Chapter 14 - Didn't Count On This

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The old adage time heals all wounds had always sounded ridiculous to Riddhima, she knew that it took a lot more than time to get some people over their problems. She could easily think of an example, enough time had certainly passed for Vansh to get over the deaths of his family but he still had a hide away and demons haunting him. But Riddhima was beginning to rethink her old thoughts on the phrase; maybe time was simply a part of it. It was true that now that she was finally pushing past her rape, she was starting feel stronger.

The problem was that it was taking time, too much time. It was over a month since she told the team to stop working her case; to her surprise they took it a lot better than she thought. She assumed that for days she would be plagued with sad looks and "Are you sure this is what you want?" questions but none of that, instead they seemed to accept the decision and moved on with her.

But was she really moving on?

It felt like she was stuck in neutral. She was doing her job but it wasn't with the same zest as before. She still didn't hang out with her team on down times, she just didn't feel comfortable yet and the times she tried simply ended in disaster. Not a day went by that she didn't think about what had happened to her, which only led to her thinking about how she wasn't back to where she wanted to be.

"Stop trying so hard," Vansh told her on more than one occasion, usually while they shared another dinner together. "And stop worrying about it, it'll all fall back into place soon enough."

That was easy for him to say, not so easy for her to replicate. How was she supposed to stop trying to act normal when it was impossible for her to forget that she'd been raped? That was an answer she couldn't find to a question she was simply too afraid to ask. So Riddhima simply continued to work and hoped that the phrase was true and all she would need was more time.

That was her mantra while working the Donnelly case, even when she received no less than three phone calls complaining about Vansh. When the fourth one occurred she gave up trying to be calm and decided to confront the problem herself.

Everyone knew the signs of a pissed off Riddhima. The long angry strides, the determined frown and the piercing brown eyes, all of that usually was enough to make even someone as Angre to become very afraid. But Vansh was never like any man.

He was resting on the couch, a book in his hand and while he heard her footsteps he didn't even glance up. "Who was it this time? Frederick Grayson or his wife?"

"Neither," Riddhima informed him icily, "It was his attorney informing me that if you don't stop harassing him that they will sue not just you but me and the CBI just for the hell of it."

Vansh wasn't fazed at all by the threat, he did close his book but he didn't look up at her yet. "It's interesting that he reacts so strongly."

"Yeah, funny how people do that when you let people think that they are dead."

"He should be grateful," Vansh offered up, "he found out how much his wife truly loves him."

"She was hysterical, you let her think she was a widow!"

"Yes and she will be extremely happy to know that he is in fact alive," Vansh pointed out, "in fact, he'll probably thank me. Grateful women like to show their appreciation." From the suggestive lilt in his voice, Riddhima knew exactly what he was talking about. Angre let out a little chortle and tried to cover it up with a cough, so he knew as well.

She gaped at him. "You did not just say that."

"Yes I did, but you can pretend otherwise if you would like."

Riddhima let out a frustrated groan and rubbed her temples with her fingertips. After a few moments she opened her eyes and fixed a stern glare on him. "You are going to call Grayson and his wife and apologize, profusely."

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