Chapter 3.1 - Who Can Understand?

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Despite the fact that everyone had been up all night, none of Riddhima's team made a motion to put aside the investigation to get breakfast. Food wasn't important at the moment. But Vansh knew they couldn't work at full capacity with no food and sleep. He couldn't tell them to rest, not when he had no intention of doing that. But he could settle their stomachs.

He didn't go far, just to the rooftop café the Bureau had set up for its employees. It was early enough so there weren't a lot of people out yet, but the attendant gave Vansh a smile and gladly took down the order for three coffees, one tea and four muffins.

"How's Agent Mehra doing?" the attendant asked.

"She's holding it together," he said. It was the best he could say since he knew Riddhima was not fine.

She shook her head as she removed the muffins from the tray. "I can't believe something like this would happen to her."

"None of us can," Vansh said. In his wildest dreams he had never imagined such a thing would happen to Riddhima.

"Your coffees will be ready in a minute. It's still brewing."

"I can wait," Vansh said.

"But here's your tea." She gave him the hot, paper cup.

"Thank you," he said.

Vansh walked over to the railing, propping his cup on it so he could let the tea seep. The steady sound of traffic and the cool wind was familiar and soothing. At least some things were still the same.

"Director, I really think we should discuss this somewhere else."

Vansh turned to the sound of Divya's voice. He hadn't realized that she was up there along with Ranbir. They occupied a table on the far side of the café, but the acoustics kept the sound constant. Judging by the one cup of coffee and the half eaten scone, Vansh guessed poor Divya had been sought out by Ranbir in the middle of her breakfast.

"We need to discuss this," Ranbir insisted, "The CBI is all over the news right now. We have to come up with a strategy."

Divya sighed and shook her head slightly. "Certainly we should let the public know about Riddhima's condition and her plans for recovery."

"Absolutely. We'll tell them that she is being given the best possible care by the hospital and that the Bureau is going to make sure she sees the city's most qualified therapist."

"Yes, that is a good idea."

"We need to address the issue of the attack," Ranbir continued, "This article discusses the fact that she was assaulted less than a hundred yards away from her colleagues."

Divya nodded. "Yes, that is bad, but-."

"Have you read her statement? Is it possible that this was an error on her part."

Vansh felt his entire body tense. The idea of throwing his hot cup of tea into Ranbir's face danced through his mind. Yes, that was a very pretty image.

"No, I don't think that is the best way to go," Divya said, "Right now we should just say that we are looking into the matter and make it clear that the attack did not occur in the Plaza, but outside of it where she couldn't be seen or heard."

"This article is bad for us," Ranbir said, "This reporter questions our ability to protect the public if we can't look after one of our own."

"Sir, there is little we can do there except assure everyone that we are doing the best we can."

Ranbir groaned and shook his head. "God, this is a disaster. The sooner this nightmare is over the better. The Bureau can't handle too much bad press."

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