Chapter 2.1 - Aftermath

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Riddhima’s team followed the ambulance to the hospital. Kabir, Angre and Sara had all rushed outside as soon as Divya had found them but they only got to see Riddhima being loaded up into the ambulance. They hadn't gotten a good look. They didn't know the full extent of the damage Riddhima’s attacker had wrought.

But Vansh did.

He rushed into the hospital ready to find out where Riddhima was being treated. A friendly looking nurse looked at him from behind the desk. Her eyes were wide and troubled when she asked, "Sir, are you all right? Do you need to see a doctor?"

It took him a moment to realize what she was talking about. His clothes were covered in blood, but none of it was his.

Vansh shook his head, "No, I'm fine…I uh, brought my friend in."

She understood and gave him a slow nod. Before he could ask where she was, the three other members of the team burst in through the door.

"Vansh!" They all exclaimed at once.

"What happened?" Angre asked, "Divya said she was hurt."

He just shook his head. "She was attacked. I found her in the parking lot."

"Did she say who did this?" Kabir inquired.

"No, she wasn't in any kind of state to." That was an understatement. Vansh had never seen Riddhima in a delirious state of shock before; it was a side of her that he hoped he never had the misfortune of seeing again.

"How did this happen?" Sara asked; her voice was heavy with emotion.

None of them knew the answer to that, least of all Vansh. Riddhima had always been a pillar of strength and power. She was the indestructible one. It was unbelievable that she would be reduced to this, that someone could actually hurt her.

That didn't matter now though.

Vansh ignored the question and stepped over to the same woman who he had spoken to before his friends had come in. "Excuse me, we're here for Riddhima Mehra."

The woman nodded, "I can check on her status." A few taps on the keys and she was pulling up a digital file on their friend. "She's been checked in and her injuries are being assessed. As soon as that's over they will let the Forensic Nurse do her job."

"We're with the CBI." Kabir stepped forward and flashed his badge. "We need to get her statement on what happened to her tonight." Vansh knew that was not necessarily the case but what was the use of a badge if you couldn't use it for your own ends sometimes.

"I'll let you know when you can see her."

Now all they could do was wait. At the moment that was probably the hardest thing they could do. The minutes ticked away slowly. Angre was the only one not sitting down; he kept pacing by their seats. The other people in the waiting room watched the four of them with curious eyes. Their gaze fell to Vansh more often though, no doubt wondering where the blood on his clothes had come from.

Their waiting was interrupted when Amit Mehta entered the room. "Have they said anything?"

Kabir shook his head. "We're still waiting for a report."

Amit sighed heavily and ran a hand over his face. "This is a nightmare." That really was an apt description of what had happened. He kept his gaze steady with the whole team. "Protocol says that you need to stay far away from this investigation." All four of them tensed immediately at his words but he held up a hand to stop them. "But I know that none of you are going to listen. So I'm pulling in some strings. Kabir, you'll take the lead on this case. I know you will do all you can to find this man."

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