Chapter 17 - Missing Pieces

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Riddhima woke up the next morning with mixed feelings. She wanted to be happy and a big part of her was over the moon with joy…but another part of her was freaking out. She hadn't expected any of that and immediately after waking up she actually thought it was all a bizarre and wonderful dream. But it wasn't, it had been real.

Vansh had surprised her in her home, danced with her in her living room and kissed her…a lot. They had kissed more than once that night, exchanging very few words but thoroughly enjoying each other's company. He had stayed with her all night, when she'd woken up in the middle of the night from another horrible dream; he'd been there once more. This time he'd kissed the images from her mind and lulled her back to sleep.

But he was gone in the morning and she wasn't all that sorry for it. She needed this time alone to figure out what was going on. He'd kissed her, he'd held her, he'd told her that he never wanted her to take back what she'd said to him.

He hadn't said he felt the same.

But he'd kissed her. Vansh had kissed her. That meant he felt something for her right?

Ugh she needed to find out.

Riddhima took a quick shower, alternating between feeling giddy and happy to feeling anxious and afraid. Then she spent half an hour staring at her closet, she couldn't make up her mind over what to wear. She wanted to look great, wanted Vansh to notice her, but she didn't want to look like she was trying to get him to notice her.

In the end she chose a wine colored sleeveless blouse that brought out the color of her skin and set off her dark hair. She paired that with her skinny jeans, ones she knew Vansh had checked out her ass in several times. She topped it off with the leather jacket that any man appreciated.

She was extra careful with her makeup, making sure everything was perfect and redoing her mascara three times before finally being satisfied with it. When she was finally done primping she realized that she was running late. Then it was a mad dash for her keys and briefcase before speeding all the way to the CBI.

The rest of the team was already in the bullpen when she finally made it. Riddhima tried to act casual even as her heart was racing. She met Vansh's eyes the second she walked in and his gaze held her captive. He was smiling at her, that made her heart beat faster.

"Hey, boss," Angre said in greeting, he was obviously curious why she was late. "Everything okay?"

"What?" Riddhima asked, it took a moment for his question to register; she was still looking at Vansh. "Oh, yeah, everything is fine."

She looked over to see that Kabir, Angre and Sara were all giving her odd looks. It was no small wonder why. She was breathless, late and…smiling. Why couldn't she stop smiling?

"Um we'll have to wait and see if a case comes up, you guys know what to do till then." She sounded strange, distracted; even she could hear that in her voice. But she didn't care. "Uh, Vansh, can I see you in my office?"

Vansh was still smiling at her, he didn't appear nervous in the least. "Of course."

He followed her to her office where she was glad for some reason that she'd closed the blinds the night before. Now no one would see their conversation, because that was it. They were just going to talk.

No kissing.

Vansh shut the door behind them and turned to look at her. They stared at each other; his eyes were bright and shining with something that looked very much like happiness. Was she the reason for that?

"You're smiling," she told him and then felt stupid for saying it.

"So are you," he replied simply.

She was and there was no way she could get rid of it even if she'd wanted to. "So…last night?"

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