Chapter 19 - Glued Back Together

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Vansh might disagree but Riddhima was certain he could now be classified as a gentleman under any form of the definition. How else could you describe a man who was tender when she needed him to be and incredibly patient and understanding as she still struggled to overcome her problems with intimacy? Riddhima was sure right now she would be classified under the definition of frustrated and obsessed, she just wanted to have a normal relationship! Was that really too much to ask?

It was true, after Vansh's sensual care proved she was still capable of feeling release, she had felt more optimistic over the future. She was certain that now she would be able to make that next step and actually get naked with the man. Riddhima planned it once more, a bit more spontaneous this time; at least she didn't have to trick him into getting in bed.

She was waiting for him in her bed when Vansh lay down beside her. For a second all they did was smile sweetly at each other and she wondered what was up. "You want to try again," Vansh stated knowingly.

Riddhima was startled by that. "How did you know?

"Because you can't hide anything from me," Vansh replied, "I know everything. Including that stack of paperback Harlequins you have hidden in your closet. Quite racy, I must say."

"Shut up, I don't have any books hidden in my closet."

"No you don't, they're under your bed."

She put on an emotionless mask. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh really?" Vansh said, a devilish grin on his face.

Riddhima watched as he quickly rolled over to the other side of the bed to start digging around under her mattress. "What are you doing?"

"Ah ha!" He declared holding aloft a worn paperback book that not only had a half naked Fabio on the cover, but he was ripping off a woman's bodice too. "My Ruthless Pirate, and look here," he flipped to the first page, "From the library of Riddhima Mehra."

She blushed a very deep crimson. "All right. You caught me, but there's nothing wrong with a woman reading a little…romance. It's healthy."

"Mmhmm," Vansh murmured, leaning back against the pillow, now flipping through the book.

Riddhima shook her head. "Okay, it's stupid, you can put the book down now."

"Shhh I'm trying to read."

Now she stared at him as if he was insane. "Are you serious?"

He didn't look at her, his eyes still on the book. Then one eyebrow lifted. "This is what heaven is, was the last thought she had before she shattered. White light burst behind her eyelids, pleasure rippled through every nerve ending in her body. Somewhere in the distance she heard a voice crying out." Vansh looked up at her and grinned. "And the voice said, 'help me please, someone is butchering literature'."

"It's not that bad," Riddhima declared.

He took that challenge and ran with it. "Her eyes poured over him like honey on a hot day, lapping up every feature. What does that even mean?"

"Shut up!"

"No, I'm just about to get to the part with his quivering member."

"Stop reading it!" Riddhima shouted lunging for the book. Vansh pulled it back out of her reach but she just followed it, half lying on top of him as she reached for the novel. "Give it to me," she said reaching for it, losing her balance and collapsing on his chest in a fit of giggles.

He was laughing too and leaned up to kiss her softly on the lips. She returned the sweet gesture with one of her own, kissing him back with all of the excitement she was feeling. She could feel this kiss start a hum through her veins. "This time," she thought, "this time it's going to happen."

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