Chapter 15 - What You Feel

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It had become a normal thing for Riddhima's team to quietly discuss their boss while she was out of earshot. It started off as a way for all three of them to admit how worried they were for her and possibly try to come up with solutions to help her. Lately these sessions had become a bit more lighthearted as it appeared that she was improving and permanently putting the attack behind her. They all agreed that she was moving on and were happy for her…and they wondered what was going on between her and Vansh.

Early on the rest of the team had noticed that a strong bond had formed between the two of them post-attack. It was more than just Vansh being the only one who could touch her for a very long time and Vansh being the person that ended up taking care of Riddhima the most. No, this was about them spending a lot more time together outside of work, it was the way they talked so easily, far too easily to be just ordinary coworkers.

At least that was how things had been until recently.

Now Riddhima seemed to be avoiding Vansh entirely and it was clear that he was noticing it as well. He kept trying to get her alone but she wasn't going for it, insisting that one of the other members of the team accompany them on a case. She was even ducking out early from work to avoid him which showed just how desperate she really was.

Something had happened but it seemed like the only person who knew was Riddhima…and she wasn't talking.

"Do you think they got into a fight?" Sara wondered aloud, assuming that Vansh had pulled one of his usual tricks.

Kabir shook his head. "No, she's not mad at him, it's something else."

They were quiet again as the all pondered the options until Angre blurted out. "Maybe she saw him naked." Sara and Kabir turned their heads to gape at him, hiding looks of horror. "What? It would explain why she is so weird around him."

"And how would she have seen Vansh naked?" Sara asked.

"He doesn't have many clothes, maybe she walked in on him changing in the room or something?"

Sara considered that idea while Kabir simply shook his head. "No."

"Why not?"

"Because if she'd seen him naked then Vansh would be okay with it," Kabir pointed out, "he'd probably find it funny."

Angre quickly realized the truth about that; Vansh would find it amusing if Riddhima caught him with his pants down…literally. He'd take the opportunity to tease her about it for sure.

"Okay, what if he saw her naked?"

"Then he'd really be okay with it."

"Why does anyone have to be naked?" Sara asked, shaking her head at her randy minded co-workers.

"They don't," Angre said, "I was just wondering."

She rolled her eyes and groaned. "Something else must have happened, with their clothes on."

"Okay," Kabir began, "what do you think happened?"

Sara chewed on her lip as she thought about it for a long moment, even glancing over at Riddhima's closed office. "What if something happened between them?"

"Like what?" Angre asked.

"Like something…something," she leaned closer and whispered, "romantic?"

Kabir's eyebrows rose while Angre gaped at her. "You think they slept together?"

"No," Sara said quickly and then revised her statement, "I don't think so."

"They didn't sleep together," Kabir stated.

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