Chapter 5.2 - Falling

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If you didn't hate Ranbir before, by the end of this part you'll be carrying pitchforks and ready to run him out of town


When Tuesday rolled by Riddhima gave up any pretense of normalcy. Instead she lay curled up in bed wearing ratty sweats, she wasn't sleeping, no her mind wandered quite often. Since the horrible incident at the pharmacy the day before, Riddhima had resolved to stop trying to act like everything would be okay. No instead she was feeling like she was adrift in a dark sea, helpless and alone.

She didn't want to go out. She didn't want to see anyone. She didn't even want to look at herself, which is why she had spent the previous evening covering every single mirror in her home. Even going so far as to cover the large mirror in her bathroom by taping newspaper over it.

For now, staying in bed was good. No one could see her or talk about her, she could just stay alone. It was what was best for everyone.

Riddhima remained immobile in her bed even as she heard her brother's footsteps coming up the stairs towards her room. He paused a moment in the doorway, taking in the pathetic image of his older sister curled up in her covers like a child. Viraj walked over to stand by her bed. "Hey, you hungry? It's past noon and you didn't come down for breakfast."

"I'm fine," she said. Her voice was very soft and low; she didn't put any emotion in it either.

"I could bring something up here for you?"

"I'm fine."

Viraj sighed. "Why don't you go out? We could go do something, anything you want."

She shook her head a little but didn't rise up from the mattress an inch. "I don't want to go out. I don't want people seeing me when I look like this."

Riddhima didn't have to look up to see the pain fill Viraj's eyes. He didn't fight her on that point though; he could understand why she didn't want people to see her bruised and still broken body. He sat down on the edge of the bed but maintained a careful distance so that she was still comfortable. "Are you okay, Riddhima?" She didn't say anything, but kept her eyes straight ahead. "I heard you shower last night, why did you need to shower at three in the morning?"

She wasn't going to tell him that. How she'd finally given into exhaustion and fallen asleep only to find herself back in that alley, being explored and violated by an unforgiving specter. She'd woken up crying into her pillow so that Viraj wouldn't hear, but she'd felt horrible and disgusting. Which is why she'd showered at three in the morning. And again only two hours earlier after remembering how it had felt to have that man's hands traveling over her body. Showering was the only way she could feel clean, but she didn't think she would ever feel completely clean again.

Viraj sighed again. "Hey, why don't you come downstairs?"

"Viraj," she said softly, "I really just want to stay here."

He was quiet for a moment before rising to his feet. "Okay. I'll leave you alone, but if you need anything, I'm here."

She nodded but remained silent, even as a single tear snaked it's way down her cheek. Finally she was alone again and able to relish the solitude. It was better if she stayed away; she was like a disease, infecting the world with her gloom. She knew Viraj hated looking at her now, he must feel so sorry for his pathetic sister who was completely broken.

For a long time there was just silence. But then her phone began to vibrate against the top of her bedside table. Riddhima rolled over to look at the caller I.D. expecting to see one of the three members of her team that seemed to be checking up on her. Angre or Kabir always called, Vansh hadn't called since she'd hung up on him the day before but no doubt he would give into his protective instincts later. Only Sara stayed away, Riddhima had a feeling that her inability to protect herself had ruined that relationship forever. Maybe Sara couldn't respect a boss that was now a victim.

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