Chapter 26 - And In Their Ears Tell Them My Dreadful Name

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Riddhima dressed professional, black pantsuit with a simple white blouse. She was sober as she put her make up on, trying to hide the dark circles under her eyes. Vansh was just as somber and quiet, but he offered reassuring smiles whenever he could. His gentle touch was enough to make her feel better about what was going to happen.

She knew better than to ask Vansh to stay away, he wasn't going to leave her to face this alone even if it would only cause him pain. The truth was he was the one who knew what happened the most, he'd experienced her nightmares, he'd seen her alone in that parking lot…and heard her describe it when he hypnotized her. But something felt different this way; this time it was more like a confession.

Finally they made it to the courthouse and for a few minutes all she did was sit in the car staring up at it, Vansh was kind enough to stay quiet as she fought her own inner battles. "All right," she said with a heavy sigh, "I can do this."

They both got out of the car and Vansh didn't hesitate to take her hand, she didn't fight him on this. It wasn't a blatant clue that they were in a relationship…besides, she needed his strength. They made their way to Courtroom three and she stopped short when she saw who else was standing by the doorway.

The rest of her team was waiting outside. She wanted yo be angry but she felt a bit of motherly pride at their decision. "I thought I told you to stay away," she said, not sounding mad at all.

Kabir was the one who spoke up, "You knew we wouldn't."

She shook her head. "Are you sure you'll want to hear it?"

"Pretty sure we don't," Angre admitted, "but you know you want us here."

Riddhima smiled softly. "Well it's not like I can force you to go." That was the closest she could come to admitting the truth.

They didn't get the chance to talk much before Carol came over issuing the unnecessary instructions about having to testify. The day in court was about to begin and she had to remain outside. The team all gave her small smiles as they filed into the courtroom to sit and wait for her testimony to begin.

It seemed like forever that she sat outside on the bench, waiting for the bailiff to call her in. She'd done this before, never for herself, somehow it made the stakes seem even higher. If she failed…then it was her safety that was at risk. She wanted to win this one, more than any of the others. Maybe that was selfish, but that was allowed.

"Agent Riddhima?"

She looked up to see the bailiff giving her a soft look. With a sigh, she stood up and made her way into the courtroom.

It was mostly empty, this was a preliminary hearing after all and the reporters had long since forgotten about the raped CBI agent, maybe it would come up when the trial happened. She hoped not.

Her team sat together on the row behind the prosecution, she caught their eyes as she walked past but tried to stay strong. No one was sitting with the defense.

Riddhima climbed up into the witness stand and put her hand on the Bible, swearing the oath she'd sworn dozens of times. Then she sat down and prepared for the worst.

Carol was being the professional, and was extremely confident. "State your name please."

"Special Agent Riddhima Mehra."

"You are an agent for the California Bureau of Investigation, is that correct?"

"Yes it is," Riddhima replied, these were the easy ones.

"Now, do you know the defendant Rohan Sinha?"

Riddhima nodded, flinching a bit at the name and hating herself for it. "I met him several times in a professional capacity, nothing more."

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