Chapter 6

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"Hey, Y/N?"

My eyes opened as I heard my name.

I noticed Kaeya glancing at me.


"It's getting quite busy here. Care for a walk?" He asked, standing up.
I looked at Diluc for a second. He looked reluctant yet did not say anything again.


Me and Kaeya left the tavern. It was quite cold outside, seeming as winter was slowly approaching.

"Goodness me, I don't particularly like it when the tavern gets busy. It takes longer to order drinks." He smirked, hands in his pockets.

"Mm-hmm..." I replied, trying to keep up with his fast walking.

"Oh, by the way..." Kaeya started, catching my attention. "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" I replied, not thinking much about what it could be.

He immediately stopped walking and turned to face me, making my heart drop for a full second.

"That 'scratch' of yours... isn't really a scratch, is it?" He stared at me, a tiny smirk on his face.


"Ah, the silent treatment... fine. It's a vampire bite." Kaeya folded his arms and glared at me, as if I'd just slapped him.

Though it felt like thousands of volts had just ran through my body, I had to pretend it was ridiculous.

"Haha, vampire? You're hilarious, those aren't real. I think you've had a bit too much to drink." I put on an entirely fake grin, but he was not convinced whatsoever.

"Is that so?"

I nodded.
"Yeah, maybe you shouldn't have had so much wine... I told you, it's only a scratch. I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom."

Using it as an advantage, I walked away  but as quickly as I could.

I still felt his gaze on me.

Making sure Kaeya was not looking, I walked into the tavern and made eye contact with Diluc.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Everyone who was in the tavern was upstairs, obviously except me and Diluc.

"Kaeya knows about vampires, and he knows about the bite."

His eyes widened slightly.
"I can't leave my shift just yet. You can stay here, Kaeya won't do anything if I'm here."

"I can't, I told him I'd be back..." I kept quiet for a second, trying to think of something. "I'll come back here in five minutes..."

Diluc nodded.
"Okay. I'm only here, don't worry."

I nodded and walked back outside.
To my surprise, though, Kaeya was not stood where we were before.

I was about to go and look, but a strong grip grabbed my arm, pulling me behind the tavern.

"You lied." Of course the voice belonged to the cavalry captain, who sounded much more pissed.

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"You just had to grab a drink? Had to go and sit down? I was not born last night, Y/N, I'm not stupid."

Kaeya held my arms against the wall, definitely leaving a mark as to how firmly he was holding me.

He leaned in closer just to intimidate me.

"You're quite close with Diluc, aren't you? You're always there when he's there, you always talk when he talks..."

I tried to move away, but his grip was like metal. No use.

"Please get off me, you're scaring me..." I whispered, not making eye contact.

Kaeya grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"Perhaps this will make Diluc stay away from you..." He moved my hair from my neck and stared at it for a moment, before glancing at me.

I knew exactly what he was going to do, and it was something I never would have expected.


All of a sudden, Kaeya shoved his teeth violently into my neck. Blood quickly splattered out and pain hammered through my body.

My hand moved to the wound and I put as much pressure as I could on to it as I fell on to the hard concrete.

I couldn't think or see straight. My vision went blurry and I felt extremely dizzy.

"Didn't expect that, did you?" Kaeya chuckled, wiping his mouth. The man I thought I knew turned out to be a vicious monster. "Goodnight, Y/N."

-Diluc's POV-
It'd been about ten minutes since Y/N had left the tavern, after telling me about Kaeya.
I could not stop thinking about it. I was worried.

'Where the hell are they...?' I thought to myself, as one of the bartenders walked in.

"Charles, great timing." I put down a cup and made sure my voice was steady. "Would you mind taking over my shift? I have something important to do. I will make sure you get paid extra."

Charles nodded.
"Okay. See you, Master Diluc."

After Charles took my place, I left the tavern.

A sweet smell hit me as soon as I stepped outside.
'Blood...?' I thought.

But not just any. It smelled familiar.

I followed the scent behind the tavern and was greeted with a horrifying sight.

"Oh my god." I dropped my jacket and instantly kneeled beside Y/N, putting my hand on her neck and checking for a pulse.

Fortunately, she was alive. I was hit with relief.

I put pressure on the bite and tried to wake her up.

"Y/N? Please, wake up." I whispered.
It took me a few tries before her eyes fluttered open.

"Mh.." She groaned, obviously in a lot of pain.

"You're safe, it's going to be fine. I'm going to need to use my speed to take you home, is that alright?" I slowly helped her up. She nodded and we got home soon enough.

"It... hurts.."

I got lots of bandages, plasters and items to help stop the bleeding, and to prevent infection.

We sat down and I picked up a wipe.

"This is going to sting. Hold my free hand, if you like..."

I slowly put the wipe on her neck. She grabbed my hand tightly as I had said.

I was so angry at Kaeya for doing this to her, words could not even explain it.

I pulled the wipe off and she let go of my hand.
Peeling off the wrappers, I placed a large plaster on the wound before it would start bleeding again.

"All done." I started, sighing. "You'll be okay."

She groaned and lay back.
"Why would he...?"

Though she didn't finish her question, I understood.

"I don't know. I'm so sorry. Maybe it would be better if you got some rest." I suggested.


Helping her up, I took Y/N to bed and made sure her plaster was on okay just in case.

"Please don't go yet." She whispered, just as I was about to leave. I turned around in confusion. "What if he comes back?"

"He won't."

She looked down and nodded, before closing her eyes.

I let out a soft sigh before sitting next to her.

"I will not let you get hurt again, I promise." I reassured her as she drifted off to sleep.

It was not too late in the day, so it was time to deal with Kaeya. And it most likely was not going to be pretty.

Vampire Diluc x Reader [REMASTERED]Where stories live. Discover now