Chapter 20

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The light of dawn seeped into the room. I rubbed my eyes, got out of bed and walked downstairs. There was a pearly glow in the sky.

To my surprise, Diluc was not in any of the downstairs rooms - it was unusual, he normally woke up before me. I thought nothing of it and stood beside the window. 

30 minutes passed and I was simply walking around the house doing nothing exciting. I assumed he was still in bed - but something told me that I should go and check, so that's what I did. His bedroom door was a little bit open. I peeked through the gap - and nobody was in there.

'Strange...' I thought. 'Maybe he's just gone to feed on treasure hoarders or something?'

I went back into my own room and got dressed. Checking the time, I noticed that it was already 9:45am - if he were working today, he would not have gone yet. Besides, why would it take him half an hour just to feed?


Since I had nothing better to do - (also because I was getting slightly worried), I decided to go to the tavern and see if he was there. I doubted it, though. He would have told me if he was working today.

I left his house and glanced at the door anxiously. 

'Should I even go? I don't have a key to lock the door...' 

My gut feeling was telling me to go - so I did. Diluc only left the door unlocked if we both were in the house. Something was obviously wrong.


When I got to the tavern, a sheet with all of the staff's shifts for the month caught my eye. I scanned the entire page looking for today's date - Diluc's name was not on it, instead someone called Charles.

'So he's not working today, and he's not at home? Something's not right...'

"It's you."

A voice I recognized rang in my ears. I froze.

"Diluc not with you?" 

Dreading having a conversation, I turned around and made eye contact with the cavalry captain that literally almost murdered me.


"I don't know where he is," I coldly replied, before starting to walk away. Kaeya grabbed my arm and glared at me.

"Is he alright?" 

I snatched my arm back before staring at him in annoyance.

"I don't know, Kaeya. How about you help me find him and then we can talk about the fact you almost killed me in cold blood?" I continued to walk away - though he had to catch up with me, obviously.

He walked beside me. "I'll help you find him, don't worry." He added sarcastically.

"I'm not worrying." It was half true - I wasn't worrying about him accompanying me; I was more worried about Diluc's whereabouts.

"Good. This does not make us friends, may I add. I just care about my brother."

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, yeah, because being friends with you will be the peak of my happiness." We left the city and started aimlessly walking around a forest. Kaeya didn't say a word and neither did I. For some reason, however, it just made it more awkward.

All of a sudden, Kaeya used his speed and disappeared from sight. I groaned in both annoyance and anger, before continuing to walk.

"Ugh, Kaeya, you know I'm not a vampire. If you're doing that out of spite, you're not funny."

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