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Its been a year since I've broken up with my ex-lover Jimin. I haven't moved on but I'm not as miserable as others. Its been one year. I've piped down, but I still can't believe he could cheat on me. Why would he do that? I gave everything to him and when I say everything, everything. And I still wasn't enough for him. Well, hemoved somewhere out there, but I shouldn't care anymore, I don't want to see his face again. I should stop going back to the past and just move on like the rest.

Today, this late afternoon, is the wretched day I'm going to move with my dad to live with his boyfriend. I've met my to-be stepbrother and he looked scary, but to be honest, he was really nice. He looked like the type to be cold, but really wasn't. Well, you know what they say, don't judge a book by its cover.

Today was also the last day I'd be seeing my friends, too. It would be really sad. Maybe I'd even get emotional today, considering I wasn't actually the emotional type.

Today we were gonna spend the whole day throwing a moving away celebration.

I went to the local playground as they said where we would meet. I saw the whole gang there. Well, when I say gang its just the three of us. I waved at them and gave them a warm smile. They waved ecstacially and grins apparently broke on their faces.

I walked over to them and the two almost suffocated me with a group hug when I got there. I almost teared up when I remembered that this might be the last time we would ever have a group hug like this.

"Jungkookie... Don't cry, okay? I know time will find itself to reunite the three of us again." Jinyoung said giving a spark of hope and inspiration that we will see each other again.

"Yeah! C'mon we'll take you out on a friendly date, our treat, since you're moving away." Gongchan said forcing to be cheerful, but I could see him faltering. I nodded my head in enthusiasm and we headed down to a simple diner.

"Okay order anything you want Kookie, we know you eat 'til your heart contents so, go ahead." Gongchan urged. I nodded shyly.

I would've ordered a butt load of foods and I know their wallets would be run empty once I made my order, so I just ordered a fair amount of food.

After a few minutes, our food came in and we scarfed it all down, not embarrassed by the way people were staring at us. After eating, we paid an equal share for our food and left the diner, off to the ferris wheel in the center of town.

It was a fairly big ferris wheel and when you got on one of the lanterns you would be able to see the view of the whole town and it was a sight you shouldn't miss. We ran to the line of the ferris wheel, which wasn't that long today. That was really odd because every time the three of us would come here, it would be really jampcaked. We paid our fare and went in one of the lanterns.

It might also be the last time I'd be going on this ride with my dear best friends. I'm gonna miss them so much.

As we were slowly lifted up to the top, the whole town came into our view. It was so breathtaking. I wish time would stop. I wish it didn't go by so fast. I wish I didn't have to leave my best friends.

"Guys... I'm gonna miss you so much... Do you know that?" I muttered and frowned.

"Yeah, we know Jungkook. We'll miss you too." Jinyoung said sincerely then we did another hug right then and there. Then we actually started to choke back soft sobs.

"Awww jeez guys! Stop making me cry!" Gongchan joked and we laughed. We now reached the top and it was so beautiful. Busan, I'm gonna miss you too.

We just stayed sitting back I'm the lantern and just looked at the view as we were being held back down. We went out of the latntern and walked back to my house. As we got to my house, we hugged for one last time and said our goodbyes to each other.

I went in the house and I could hear my dad fixing all his stuff.

"Hey! Son? Are you here already? C'mon, help me with our stuff." He ordered. I sighed and went up to help him bring down our things.

We loaded all of our things into the trunk of our car and we drove off. As I took one last look at the streets of Busan and drifted off to sleep.

OMGEEEE! Yup new story right here! Lol are you mad at author-nim? I'm sorry I made another story and I'm not even finished with the others huhu! Sorry!! But I wish you would like this story! Thanks for reading! Luv ya

Sydney /(=✪ x ✪=)\

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