Been Awhile

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Taehyung dragged me back home, once the trio, Yoongi, Jimin and Bambam, left us. They're sly.

I thought Taehyung would go back to his house once we reached the block, but he didn't. He walked with me until my house and to be honest, it's been awhile since he's done this.

I rung the doorbell and as always, my dad, Mir, answered it.

"Hi Jungkook!" He greeted cheerfully, like usual. "Oh! Taehyung you're here!" He said with a surprised tone, but soon he grinned. "Come in. Just in time for snacks!" He said as he let us in.

I dropped my bag beside the couch and Taehyung dropped his beside mine. I sat down on the dining table to see what Mir made for today.

"I made some cupcakes and I don't know if it's yummy, so I want you to taste it."

"Why didn't you just taste it yourself?"

"Just eat it. I'm sure its good." I just sighed and picked up a cupcake. Mir should know that I'm not really into cupcakes, but I hesitantly took a bite. My eyes sparkled a bit at the taste.

First time I liked cupcakes.

"So... How was it?" Mir asked both of us.

"It was pretty good."

"It was yummy."

He clapped his hands in glee.

"In my opinion, this is really yummy because I don't even like cupcakes." Taehyung explained, gleaming at the half-bitten cupcake on his hand.

He doesn't like cupcakes, too? Well, we actually have something in common.

"Oh, you don't like cupcakes, too? Kookie doesn't like cupcakes." Mir said, pinching my cheek. "Well, you two actually have something in common." Mir joked.

"Yeah." Taehyung chuckled lightly.

"Do you know... " Mir trailed off. "I like you for Jungkook." I mentally facepalmed when he said that.

"Dad!" I scolded.

"What?? I can't help it." Mir laughed.

"But you do know that he has a boyfriend, right?" Taehyung pointed out.

"Yeah, I know. But I really prefer both of you together." Mir suggested. I just groaned and stood up, picking up my bag. I felt Taehyung follow me after.

When I arrived at my room, I dropped my bag over by my desk and lied down on the bed. Taehyung followed me inside the room and dropped his bag somewhere, also lying down on the bed beside me.

"Who told you you could lie down on my bed?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"What? Are you the boss of me?" Taehyung scoffed. We're back to our old setup.

"But this is my room and I'm the boss if my own room." I retorted.

"No one's the boss of me." He snorted as he just laid there beside me.


It was now silent, but Taehyung decided to break the silence anyways.

"So... Your dad likes me." He said.

"Uhm... I guess so, yeah. Its actually annoying he likes you." I rolled my eyes. He smirked.

"Why do you hate me?" Taehyung asked, it sounded rhetorical, but I answered it anyway.

"Does that have to be asked? Seriously?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Seriously." His turn to raise an eyebrow.

"Because you're an ass, Taehyung." I bluntly answered. He just nodded in agreement.

"I know."

"Then why do you continue?"

"Because its fun." He laughed. I groaned and rolled my eyes. It's hopeless. He's hopeless. We just continued to sit there and he suddenly glanced at me, making me glance back at him as well.

"Jungkook... Do you really love Jin?" Taehyung asked awkwardly, but rather blunt as well.

"I mean, I don't love him because we just started dating... I'd know when we've processed." I replied. Actually, it's not that I don't like him, but... I don't know.... To be honest, I don't feel a spark between us. "Why are you asking these questions anyways?"

"Nothing. I'm just curious." Taehyung shrugged and turned his gaze back accross the room.

Minutes have passed and we've been trapped in that awkward silence for quite awhile now.

"Jungkook..." Taehyung called out. I hummed in reply.

"I-I..." Taehyung trailed off. I looked at him once again, he was obviously trying to process some of the words in his mind because of the expression he is wearing on his face.

"You what?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I----" A knock interrupted Taehyung from saying whatever he was supposed to say.

"Jungkook, honey, Jin's downstairs."

Hello!! I don't know how many days I haven't updated this story... Maybe I haven't updated for a week or more and I'm sorry T^T and I came back with a really short chapter and I'm not satisfied to any level!! I'm really sorry and I'll try to make up to you guys in the future chapters... And please don't hesitate to tell me if my works are half-assed.... So thus is getting long....thanks for reading! Bye~

Sydney (。・ω・。)

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