Taking The Risk

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After our conversation, I swear it was just impossible for me to catch on sleep. I just kept thinking about what he said. He really just confessed to me and fuck if you can't believe it, then how much more can I not believe it?

I just rolled around in my bed, not really finding any sleep AT ALL. Whatever, I'll just not go to school tomorrow. I just got my phone and looked over at the time. Seriously 1:42 am? Almost 2 am. So its already August 30 today, well technically August 31 and holy shit I saw in the upcoming events that Jungkook's birthday was already tomorrow.

What should I do for Jungkook's birthday?

While laying there on my bed, I brainstormed of the possible ideas I could do for him. Then I snapped.

I think it'd be the perfect gift.


"Yah! Jeon Jungkook wake up this instant!" I heard Mir shout from the other side of my door. I just groaned in annoyance and stayed put in my bed.

I kinda wanna go to school and I kinda don't. Do you see my pain? I mean there are only two choices when I go to school. Its either Taehyung talks to me and takes our relationship further or him going all awkward. I know he likes me and Yoongi gave me a pep talk that Taehyung goes for what he wants, after that seemingly depressing part.

Should I take the risk or what?

Well, if I don't take risks in my life then my life isn't fun and I wouldn't want to let Jin down. He broke up with me and what? Just to let me fail for shit? I don't think so.

"Jungkook!" I heard Mir shouting again.

"Okay! I'm up!"

"You better be." He said and I heard his footsteps become smaller as he walked away from my door.

I decided to get up, still a bit hesitant on getting up and walked to the bathroom with my uniform.


"So Jungkook, are you ready to meet your future?" Yoongi teased. I just nudged him and we kept walking. "I don't even know what you see in that boy." He shook his head.

"Well, I know you may not find a lot of good qualities from Taehyung, but he's actually smart, kind, like legit he is. He just doesn't show it to other people and he actually has a way to make people fall in love with him, whether you like it or not." I explained. I don't know if its a thorough enough of an explanation, but I hope it is.

"Well, I guess that last part makes sense?" He said unsurely. "I mean you said it yourself. You'll find liking him whether you try not to." I nodded. "And how is he even smart? All he does is goof around, to be honest." He shrugged.

"Well, he really is. How could you not know that? You've been friends longer than I have." I chuckled.

"I dunno. Maybe its because he's not so serious when he's with us."

"Well, there should be some point where he actually shows his intelligence." He shook his head. Well, I guess he wasn't the to serious type of person

While our chit chatting continued, we finally arrived at school. Now that I was in front of our school building, I made an abrupt stop in front of it. I'm scared of facing him.

"Hey, Jungkook, are you okay?" Yoongi asked as he also stopped a few inches further from me. I just nodded and we started walking inside the building. We parted ways in one hallway since my classroom was in the other way, while his was in the other way as well. When I finally got to our room, I was nervous, but all the nervousness I was feeling flowed out of me when I didn't see Taehyung's mop of orange hair. I kinda sighed in relief and made my way to my chair.

But then there was this part of me wanting to know what Taehyung would've said.

Arghh! I'm confusing myself!


"Why the hell did you not attend school again? You little troublemaker!" Bambam scolded as he stormed in my room.

"Is it bad that I didn't feel well?? Jeez. Find your chill." I rolled my eyes and the rest of the gang came in. I told all of them to meet me in my house to discuss some birthday preparations.

"So... Who's birthday is it?" Namjoon asked. They all looked at me with anticipation.

"Jungkook's." I said hesitantly. It was because Jin was in the same room as I am. I mean of course I can't leave him out of this, he's also friends with Jungkook. Its just it would be so fucking awkward, but he didn't seem fazed at all.

"Oh, I see." Bambam commented. "When is it?"


"Tomorrow?? Already??" He exclaimed. "We wouldn't have much time to prepare." Bambam reasoned out.

"Just buy him some cake and gifts. Or maybe just letters." Jimin suggested. "He isn't much of an extravagant person to begin with. So just keep it simple."

"Okay, so Jin. What are you going to do? I mean you're his boyfriend, right?" Hoseok asked he pointed to Jin. Somehow I felt a big lump stuck in my throat because we all suddenly became quiet. Is he going to tell? "Okay... Suddenly it went quiet. Do I not know something that you guys know?" Hoseok asked awkwardly.

"Jungkook and I broke up." Jin simply said. His face didn't really show off at emotion, but you can see it in his eyes how hurt he was when he said it. Everyone seemed shocked by it, except for me, Bambam and strangely Yoongi.

"Really??" Jimin exclaimed. "When did this happen?"

"Just a few days ago." Jin said.

"But why? Isn't Jungkook a good kid? You two looked like you were hitting it off." Hoseok said sadly.

"Well, he likes someone else, not me." He now said with a bit more emotion and his eyes directly looking at me. The others looked like they got the message and just nodded. Remember when I told them about how I was hopelessly in love with Jungkook.

"Well, I guess there isn't any surprise in there anymore." Namjoon shrugged. Hoseok just patted Jin's back. Now I feel so fucking guilty.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. I don't know where that came from exactly, but it was the right thing to say.

"Don't need to be sorry, Taehyung. It was obvious. I just think I was forcing myself onto him." He just sighed. "But seriously no need to be sorry and let's just not talk about this because its too fucking depressing." Everyone nodded in agreement since it was really depressing... And awkward.

"Okay anyways, birthday." Yoongi finally spoke up. "What do you want to do for Jungkook, Taehyung?" Yoongi asked.

"I-I wanna ask him to be mine." I kinda got embarrassed about what I said. Jimin just laughed and Bambam just started to laugh together.

"Well, don't you two make such a good couple." Hoseok awed.

"Eww...." They both said in unison.

"Okay, okay. Let's just get something straight. You aren't supposed to hurt Taehyung, you got that? Or else I'll castrate you when you're asleep." Yoongi gave me his best death glare, trying to intimidate me.

"Yes sir."

Hey~ so yeah I'm back.... is this chapter okay? I mean idk why I just didn't continue with the birthday thing in this part, but that's because the next chapter is actually the final chapter. I know its so sudden, but yeah, that's it, like the last chapter so stay tuned. Thanks for reading! Bye~

Sydney (。・ω・。)

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