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I have heavy bags on my eyes right now. I didn't literally get a wink of sleep last night, getting dazed with the kiss that V has planted upon my lips. I admit it wasn't my first kiss, but still, I was kissed by the guy I most utterly hate right now! I am gay and he kissed me, but it doesn't mean I'll fall in love with him. I think he's doing this to mess with my head. He hates me a lot so making me fall in love can be a factor to drive me away, but I'm not going away. I'm stuck here whether he likes it or not.

After showering and dressing up, I went downstairs and joined the rest of the family for breakfast.

"Oh, Jungkook, you look awful. It looks like you haven't had much sleep last night. What happened?" Mir asked worriedly.

"Nothing really, just lack of sleep is all." I yawned.

"I know you're lying. C'mon, just tell me." He pouted.

"I'll tell you later." I sighed and he just nodded in understanding.

After eating, Suga and I walked to school, meeting up with the two people I hate.

"Yo wassup." Jimin greeted coolly. When did he even speak like that? It annoys the shit outta me. I felt someone put their arm around me.

"Hey transferee." V whispered in my ear, his hot breath brushing it. I pushed him away.

"Go away. Don't touch me." I said monotonously and glared. He just smirked at me and linked arms with Jimin and skipped. Seriously. I never remembered Jimin ever doing that. Maybe that alien/bully has influenced him by his weirdness.

"They're always like that. Don't mind them." He chucked nervously. I just hummed in response.

As we walked, I drifted into my thoughts again. It scares me how I could be so casual about this. I mean its fine, its better than being awkward about it, but it seems like it was nothing to V. I swear he is a piece of shit for stealing a kiss from me. I don't wanna sound like a girl, but I'd only like to be kissed by the person I like, not him. I hate him.

But now to think of it, I don't even know if I have anyone I actually like. Tch. Well, its better this way so I won't get my heart broken. I could just focus on my studies for Mir. He works so hard to for me to have a good life. I should return it. Sometimes, other people don't know the value of their parents.

Yeah, that's right, study first before love life.

"Jungkook!! Watch out!!" Yoongi hyung shouted which snapped me out of my thoughts. I could hear the the loud horn of the car beeping at me which put me in a state of shock.

Is this the end of me?

I waited for impact, but it never came.

"Pabo! What were you doing standing in the middle of the road?! You could've been seriously hurt you know?!" V scolded. He saved me. V saved me. All I could do was stare at him, speechless. "You scared me." He sighed and hugged me.

What is this warmth? Why do I feel like this? Isn't he supposed to hurt me? Bully me? And do all those stuff that are supposed to drive me away? Why is he being so kind to me right now? Its confusing.

I didn't realize I was crying when he wiped away my tears and hushed me. "Hey, stop crying." I wiped away my own tears with my own sleeve and I stood up. Of all people, he had to see me crying. This is the second time he's seen me cry. I don't want to show my weak side to people. I don't want them to pity me.

"Uhm.. Thanks... For saving me." I thanked rather shyly, taking interest in my shoes.

"No problem. You can't die until I kick you outta the school." He said and stood beside Jimin again, which had a look of worry on his face. I glared at him and he glared back. And there I thought he was being kind. That little shit. Here I am lowering my pride because he saved me, then here he goes ruining the moment. Wow. Just wow. You know I don't often thank people so he should be honored I actually did. Tch. Piss off.

Yoongi hyung patted my back, "Hey are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Almost getting hit by a car is totally fine with me." I answered sarcastically. He slapped me none too gently. "Hey, stupid question, sarcastic answer." I stated matter-of-factly.

"Tch. Cocky kid." He rolled his eyes.

As we walked in front of our school building and parted ways. Except V and I. We're classmates remember? On the way there I took advance so I wouldn't be seen walking with V and account of that, I wasn't safe. Some kids tripped me, made fun of me, and V wasn't doing anything! In fact he was just smirking the whole time. Is this the wrath that a transferee gets?

When we got to the classroom. I was a big mess. My hair and clothes were already disheveled. I looked like a fucking lunatic if you asked me. My classmates just laughed their hearts out. Wow, these are some pretty heartless people. Well, of course, you won't get through a life if you don't meet heartless people.

I sat down beside V in my usual seat. He smirked at me and rested his head on his arm.

"So... Transferee, giving up yet?" He asked. I glared at him and shook my head forcefully, emphasizing I wasn't giving up no matter what he did to me.

"So be it."

Hiya! Here ya go another chapter (★^O^★) hope you liked it! Please don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks for reading! Peace out ✌

Sydney ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)

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