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I wok up with heavy bags on my eyes, lacking sleep. Wahhh! That stupid fucking line is playing with my head!

You're mine, Jungkook.
You're mine, Jungkook.
You're mine, Jungkook.

I can't stop thinking about that deep husky voice that whispered those three words in my ear.

"Ahh!! Stop!!" I screamed covering my ears. Honestly, I looked like a crazy person if you would ask me.

"Yah! Jungkook what the hell is happening to you??" Mir asked in concern and ran towards me.

"Nothing.... Just something I've been thinking of." I said.

"Get dressed Jungkook. Let's have a chat. I also have to get my work done so..." He trailed off. "Just get dressed." He said and left me. I just nodded. Maybe I should really tell Mir what's bothering me because he could really really help me in my problems, but sometimes he's a total fail and can't even help me at all.

I took a shower and I dressed up into a pretty casual get up. I walked pass through my window and saw V leaning on the window, the board in his hand with the words Good Morning, transferee. And it didn't help how he looks pretty handsome in his bed hair and kinda disheveled clothes. I gulped.

I took out my board and scribbled on it, Morning V.

I don't know how he could act like nothing happened last night.

Do you have any plans today? He asked.

Yeah. Going out with my dad. At least it was true and I'm sure he won't bug me over this one.

Okay. Bye. He said and walked away. I rolled my eyes. He'll always be rude.

I put the board back in place and went out of my room. I climbed down the flight of stairs, seeing my family having breakfast.

"Good morning Jungkook." Joon greeted.

"Morning Joon." I smiled and proceeded to the table. God, the smell of bacon and eggs were the bomb.

After eating, Mir told Joon that we'd bond since he forgot the last time we did and Joon agreed and kissed Mir on the lips. I will really never get used to that. I think.

Mir and I walked out of the house and went over to his car. We got in, with me sitting beside him. He put the keys into the ignition and the engine started. He drove off to wherever he might take us.

We arrived at a small shopping district, full of outlets and some small restaurants. I also spotted a mini mall with cinemas in it. We went directly to a coffee shop and ordered some coffee before finding our designated seat. After we've settled down, Mir took out a bunch of papers and his laptop, then started typing away. He looks stressed.

"Hey Mir. Are you okay?" I asked worried as I took a sip from my latte.

He rubbed his temples, "Mhm... Yeah. Just a lot of paperwork is all."

"So... Did you want to talk about something?" I asked.

"Yeah... So what's with you screaming in your damn room this morning?" He asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh... That.... Well... I..." I stammered nervously.

"Oh c'mon Jungkook I'm your gay father, you can tell me anything. If you like someone, if someone hurt you or if you even lost your goddamn virginity, just say it." He said taking a sip from his cup.

"Dad!" I scolded. Sometimes I don't feel like he's my dad. Its so scary how we can be so fucking open to each other.

"Okay, okay... Just tell me."

"Okay, well, you know I've just been in a recent breakup, right? Well, not really recent, but whatever." I rolled my eyes. He just nodded, urging for me to tell him more.

"Well, Taehyung has been coming over for the past few days, right? Well, from the first day of school, he's always bullied me." I said and I saw him give me a critical look. "Dad, I could handle it myself, so I'm fine." I sighed, his look just softened and rested back his chair, waiting for me to continue.

"And these past days, he's been always so affectionate with me, giving me kisses and whatnot shit."

"Language." He sternly said. I just rolled my eyes and he just chuckled because he cusses as much as me.

"So yeah, he's been getting some kisses, stolen kisses. Its annoying, but at the the same time, its driving me nuts. Why I was shouting like a crazy person awhile ago was because last night he kissed me again, but not only that... He pinned me to my bed and said 'You're mine, Jungkook.' And its the first time he called me by my name." I said burying my face in my palms.

"Oh my god. I fucking ship it." He said, getting excited. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"But dad. It might be part of his stupid bullying scheme to make me fall in love with him so its not as easy as it looks. Don't encourage me to actually fall in love with him because it'll get worse."

"Hmmm... Well, I'd totally ship it, but what you said might be true. How's this ship going to be?" He tapped his chin.

"Dad just don't ship it." I shook my head in disagreement. He just sighed in defeat.

"And also... I met this other guy. I mean we're all in the same group so we see each other often. That same night, I went out. I went to the park and saw happy couples around, reminding me of how Jimin and I could've been. I just suddenly let out my tears, but then Jin came and he gave me a handkerchief. We talked and he was really sweet to me. He even gave me a kiss on the cheek. That's why when I went home I was red all over."

"So that's why." He grinned. "I ship it."

"Tch. You always ship me with everyone." I rolled my eyes and he just grinned again. "So... Yeah and then what happened next was that." He nodded in understanding. He then took a long sip from his cup and put it down.

"So how 'bout Jimin now?" He asked. I grew uneasy again.

"Well... I really don't know. We don't talk in the gang. Its just way too awkward." I confessed.

"Well, honey, you should try to tell him what you really want to say. I mean to resolve this problem once and for all. I know it would work out. You'll be friends again. So its better speaking your heart out than keeping it all yo yourself." He said.

Should I really try tell him what I want to say?

"I-I'll try." I mumbled.

"Now, that's a good boy." He smiled and ruffled my hair. I pouted and fixed my hair.

Heyyyy!! So here's a new chapter... I hope you liked it because really, its just a father and son moment so yeah... Thanks for reading! Bye~

Sydney \(^ω^\)

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