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Everything went back to normal... Well, its always been normal hasn't it? These past few weeks, Bambam and Taehyung started being sweet again... And.... Never mind. Jimin and Hoseok seemed to be very close and Jimin looks at him in a real different way. They're real cute.

"Jungkookie... What are you thinking about?" Jin asked which snapped me out of my deep thinking. The cold breeze of the air hitting my face, my hair flowing dramatically. We were here at the roof top once again, deciding not to join the others for lunch. Currently, Jin was lying down on my lap.

"Oh... Well, nothing really." I shrugged off. It was true... I was just thinking how everything was back to normal, honestly.

"Hmkay." He hummed and started to close his eyes and relax. Just when I thought he was going to stay quiet, he spoke up, "Jungkook, do you really love me?" He asked which startled me. Why would he ask that?

"Of course I do, Jin. What kind of question is that?" I grimaced.

"Well, seems like you've been paying more attention to Bambam and Taehyung. Not that I lack of attention, but you seem so interested in their relationship." Jin stated calmly, his eyes no looking at me. "Jungkook, you can tell me if there's something wrong. Or if you really don't like me, like, at all, its fine with me because I don't wanna force you into anything you don't want to do, even if it hurts."

"Jinnie.... What are you talking about? I really do like you. I wouldn't get into anything if I was forced." I reassured him, caressing his soft brown locks. I gave him a slight peck to reassure him once again.

"Thanks, Jungkook."


"Looks like Jin and Jungkook didn't come with us to lunch." Bambam pouted.

"Yeah, I can see."

"Taehyung's jealous...." Bambam teased. Of course, I am. I mentally groaned.

"Pfft...." Bambam and Jimin snorted and laughed hysterically.

"Why the fuck are you two laughing?" I asked with an irritated tone.

"Because you just said it out loud!" They continued laughing. So what? The whole world knows about it already, so why not?

"And so?" They stopped laughing and just looked at me with blank stares. Weirdos.

"Seriously, Taehyung? Are you trying to sabotage what they have?" Namjoon asked, raising an eyebrow. He looked unimpressed.

"I'm not trying to sabotage whatever they have going on." I lied.

"Then what are you trying to do exactly?"

"Ugh... I don't know." I groaned and ruffled my hair in frustration. Why don't I just tell them the truth?

"Geez, you don't have to make things so complicated... Just tell the truth."

"I feel like I'm so hopelessly in love with Jungkook...." I muttered.


Jin and I decided to just go back and continue what's left of our lunch with the others. Jin plugged his earphones on and intertwined his hands with mine while walking to the cafeteria. When we got there I think it was a bit of a wrong timing.

"I feel like I'm so hopelessly in love with Jungkook...." Taehyung muttered. My eyes widened. Thank God Jin was wearing headphones.

Bambam and the others gasped when they saw me looking right at them.

What's worse than love? (Vkook) ✔Where stories live. Discover now