Seeing Things

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"Hey Jungkook, wake up. We're here." My dad lightly tapped my shoulder. "C'mon buddy, let's go." My eyes fluttered open and I went out of the car and stretched. I helped my dad unload all our things.

"Hi!" Someone from the door greeted cheerfully. It was my dad's boyfriend, Joon.

"Oh, hey baby!" My dad said and ran over to Joon and hugged him tightly.

"Do you need help with your things?" Joon offered and kissed the tip of my dad's nose and they cuddled. Ugh... Please not in front of me and most especially the neighborhood.

I walked inside carrying my things in, passing he two lovebirds, politely and dropped on the floor. Ahhhh.... Finally I could sleep, I'm so tired. Then my tummy growled. Oh yeah, I haven't had dinner yet.

"Hey Jungkook." Someone greeted from behind startling me. It was YoonGi hyung. He just chuckled. "Did I surprise you?"

"You think?" I gave him a glare and he just rolled his eyes, ruffling my hair.

"My dad made dinner already so... Let's eat, I bet you're hungry." He said and gestured for me to follow him into the dining room. The food that was prepared by Joon smelled delicious. Hmmm... So he's a good cook.

I sat down beside YoonGi and ate with him. I think the lovebirds are still outside, doing stuff. Halfway our meal, the two just came in and sat down across us and started to eat.

The meal was quiet, well it wasn't. YoonGi and I were quiet. The two jut started to whisper and giggle or whatever. YoonGi and I just exchanged weird looks and shook our heads.

Finally we were done with our meal and we washed our own dishes.

"Ah... YoonGi, please show Jungkook to his room." Joon ordered politely. YoonGi just nodded and gestured for me to follow him. We went up the stairs and he led me to the third door on the right. He opened it and almost all my stuff was there and it was painted blue, my favorite color.

"So, here's your room. If you need anything else, my room's just beside yours." He informed and I just nodded. He closed the door and I jumped on the bed. Ahhh... My bed. My best hello and my worst goodbye. And in minutes I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

((Next morning))

"Yah! Jungkook get up! You're late for school!" Mir, my dad, shouted at me while shaking me violently. I just groaned covered the blankets over my head. "Hey! Get up! I'm gonna drag you down that stairs if I have to!" He threatened. I groaned and sat up, giving him a glare. "That's what I thought. Okay, you're uniforms are already in your wardrobe. Be down for breakfast after you take a bath." He ordered and went outside of my room.

I walked over to my wardrobe lazily and opened it, getting my uniform. I walled to bathroom and shut the door closed, putting my clothes on top of the toilet seat and went inside the shower booth to take a bath.

After a nice, hot bath, I changed into my uniform and looked at myself at the mirror. Well, I gotta look my best on the first day. I wouldn't want to be bullied on my first day.

I went down and I smelled the scent of hotdogs and eggs. I saw my dad cooking with Joon, being lovey dovey again. I rolled my eyes and sat beside YoonGi.

"Good Morning." He smiled sleepily.

"Good morning to you too." I smiled. "Will you ever get tired of that?" I pointed over to the couple cooking in the kitchen.

"Who knows." He shrugged and just ate his food. I got a fair share of mine and started eating too as I drank some orange juice.

"Hey Jungkook, I'll drive you to school today, okay? And you too, Yoongi, if that's alright with you."

"Its fine with me." YoonGi nodded. After finishing our food, we washed our own dishes again, we got our things and went inside the car waiting for my dad. My dad came out of the house and gave Joon a kiss goodbye.

I looked at the house next door, and in the window, I saw a familiar black-haired boy. I squinted to get a closer look. No it can't be him, Jungkook. You're just seeing things.

Our drive off to the school. YoonGi and I went our separate ways because my dad and I are still gonna go to the principal's office for my schedule and to meet my homeroom adviser.

"Ah, are you Mr. Mir? And this must be Jungkook?" The secretary asked. My dad nodded. "Okay, please proceed, the principal will see you now." The secretary said. We went inside and saw the principal with a man at his side.

"Hi Mr. Mir, hi Jungkook." He said. We bowed and greeted him a good morning. "Okay, so Jungkook this is your adviser, Mr. Shin Woo." The principal introduced. "Okay, I'll leave it to you, Mr. Shin Woo." The three of us bowed to he principal and left his office.

"Okay, Jungkook, I'll be leaving you with Mr. Shin Woo, please be good." My dad said and bowed, leaving the two of us.

"Okay, Jungkook, here's your schedule for the whole school year. Follow me." He gestured and then we stopped in front of a classroom which was really noisy and looked like a jungle.

"Class, go back to your seats and calm down." Mr. Shin Woo said calmly, but the scary kind of calm, which made a chill in down my spine. The students obediently obeyed. "Okay class! This is your new classmate classmate, Jeon Jungkook. Mr. Jeon please introduce yourself to the class." Mr. Shin Woo said turning back to his cheerful self.

"Oh... Uhm... Hi I'm Jeon Jungkook, please take care of me." I introduced bowing my head.

"Are you really a guy?" An orange-haired kid snorted.

"Uhm... Y-yeah..." I stuttered nervously.

"Mr. Kim." Mr. Shin Woo warned. "Okay, Mr. Jeon, please sit beside Mr. Kim. Mr. Kim, please don't cause any trouble."

I sat beside the orange-haired boy nervously. Tch. Wait, what am I supposed to be nervous about, I shouldn't care, I'm strong.

He leaned closer to my ear to whisper. What he said made chills run down my spine.

"You're life will be a living hell here, just you wait." And leaned back down in his chair with a satisfied smirk.

Bring it on.


Hiya! So here's the 2nd chapter bwahaha!! Yay! Well anyways... Jungkook is once again a prey of the orange-haired bully Taehyung... Lol.... Well anyways, here ya go! Hope you liked it! Please don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks for reading! Peace out! ✌

Sydney /(=✪ x ✪=)\

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