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"Mir... Are you almost finished?" I complained. Its 5 pm and I'm out of coffee. How many times have I bought coffee today? Seriously, I'm getting bored.

He rubbed his temples and groaned, "No, but if you're getting bored you could go roam around." I just nodded my head an left him there with work to finish. I wish by the time I get back, he's already finished.

I decided to go to one of the outlets which sold shoes. I've got a ton of shoes at home and I really don't need a new pair, but do you get that feeling that you don't need, but you need? I'm not even making any sense.

I looked over at the racks and a pair caught my eye. I was going to grab the pair, but instead a soft pair of hands landed on mine.

I was surprised as to who my hands met with and it was actually soft. It was fucking soft.

"Yo transferee." V muttered.

"Hey." I said awkwardly. I could feel my face decorated red. Every time I see him all I could think about is what happened last night. He suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the outlet store.

"Hey! V! What are you doing??" I complained as I struggled out of his grip, but he gripped on me tighter.

"Let's go on a date." V said and dragged Jungkook into the mall.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked bewildered. Is Kim Taehyung actually asking me out? This isn't supposed to be, right?

He dragged me into the theater and paid for a recent romantic-comedy movie. I just stopped struggling because I know I won't get out of it anyways and he already paid for the tickets, its going to be a waste.

A movie date, huh?

"Yup." Taehyung said, popping the 'p'. I snapped my head towards him.

"You heard me?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was heard all the way up to China." V retorted. I just rolled my eyes and just bought popcorn and drinks. We entered the theater, V handing the ticket stubs to the attendant. He ripped it and gave us the part where our seat numbers were located.

After finding it, we comfortably sat down on the velvet seats and watched the upcoming trailers. Finally the movie started and the lights also started to dim.

The while time I would suddenly laugh because it was a romantic-comedy movie, but then I cried in the end because the main character actually died and I was like what the fuck?? I thought this was supposed to be a fucking rom-com movie?! I even went as too clinging onto Taehyung's arm because of the scene.

We went out of the theater and the bright light shone on my eyes then suddenly V started laughing. My eyebrows furrowed and examined him, dumbfounded.

"I can't believe it.... You really cried." He laughed. I glared at him.

"Its not my damn fault I get so fucking emotional in those kind of movies! Like seriously who wouldn't cry?!" I yelled furiously.

"Me." He continued laughing.

"Ugh... Just shut up Kim fucking Taehyung." I rolled my eyes and went out of the theater complex. First time I've ever called him his whole name. Tch. Jerk. He then pounced on me which made me startled.

"Ahhh!" I shouted then glared at the grinning Taehyung. "Just stop it." I said annoyed and continued walking, but then he held my hand and pulled me to him. He quickly pecked my lips and smirked. I blushed madly.

"You haven't eaten dinner yet, right?" He asked. I slowly shook my head, still dazed with that little peck. "Okay, well then. Let's go." V said and dragged me to a random restaurant.

I should be getting used to this right? I'm smart enough to not fall for him, right?


After dinner, I had take-out and decided to give it to Mir since all I could think of him eating was cake and drinking coffee all day, which really isn't dinner.

V was still holding my hand and it was getting real awkward. I mean when will he let go of my hand? My hands are already starting to get sweaty and it would be really embarrassing.

We finally got to the coffee shop and Mir finally closed his laptop. Just in time.

"Dad!" I called out and he looked up from his cellphone and saw me. He smiled and waved. Taehyung and I walked to him and I dropped the take-out in front of him.

"What's this?" Mir asked as he looked inside the plastic.

"Take-out. I only ate half of it because you didn't have dinner yet." I explained.

"Really? Aww that's sweet!" Mir cheered. "Hi Taehyung-ah!" Mir greeted when he finally took notice of Taehyung beside me.

"Hi Mir-ssi." Taehyung greeted back with his usual box-shaped smile.

"So.... What did you do while I was working, Kookie?" Mir smirked and I saw his eyes looking down at Taehyung and my interlocked hands. I quickly took notice and quickly slipped my hand away, with a blush on my face. "You went on a date, didn't you??" Mir teased.



We both answered in unison, but with different answers. I glared at him and he just gave me a goofy grin.

"Well, c'mon its time to get home. Joon's already getting worried." Mir chuckled. Both Taehyung and I nodded and followed Mir to the car.


Mir parked the car in front of the house and said he'll be going ahead since Joon really wants to see him. Taehyung and I just stood in the driveway looking at Mir go into the house.

"Well, I gotta get going... Bye." I awkwardly said. As I walked inside the fence, V pulled me and kissed me on the forehead.

"Good night, Jungkook." He huskily whispered and walked to the path of his home, which is just right beside us. I just stood there, dazed, yet again. He turned back to me and gave me a genuine smile before going inside the comfort of his home.


As I closed the door, I slid down to the ground and run my fingers through my hair.

What's happening to me?

Am I the one who's actually.... Falling?

Heyyyy! So here's a new update! Hope you liked it! Bye~

Sydney \(^ω^\)

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