Chapter 3

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After one hour of reading Y/N decided to go visit her friends- The three fates. Most people think of them as old women, but Y/N knew they were the complete opposite. The three fates were immature, corrupted, weird and creepy teenage girls.

That's why they were friends.

Y/N couldn't help but wish she could talk to people who weren't sadistic and who didn't talk about evil things all the time. But it was either that or listening to Hades's ranting. Y/N checked the clock. OH FRICK! It was 1 am! Hades would drop by her house any minute to rant at her.

She threw on a black chiton over her black tunic and put on some dark brown sandals. Everything here was dark. She wished she could just once see the outside world. But she couldn't not unless Hades or Persephone allowed it.

She was theirs. The reason of her tireless energy was because she was made for the purpose of delivering souls. It was all she did. Sometimes she wondered what she was, her main suspicion was a deity. There was no way to know. All she knew was that if she left this realm she'd wither and die unless someone else became her master. Whether that was one of Hades's lies or not, she didn't know.

She was immortal because she was destined to sail her gondola and deliver spirits for the rest of her life. This was why she looked so young.

She rushed outside not keen on listening to Hades.

She decided to go to the three fates, Clotho (Spinner), Lachesis (Allotter), Atropos (Inflexible). They too worked a twenty one hour shift. They used to work nineteen hours but now more people are dying.

Clotho spins the threads of life for every single being. Lachesis dispensed the thread and Atropos cut it when it was time for them to die. They had the power to rule the world by being able to cut the threads of the gods but they didn't.

Y/N left her black hood where it was and stepped outside. The whole place reeked of death and dripping blood. There wasn't really blood but Hades thought it would seem cool and spooky. But there was a lot of death. The three fates lived on the right side of the gates. They had to stay in their workspace in case it was someone's time to die. Everyone worked everyday unless Hades declared a holiday.

She walked back to the other side of the gate. She looked at the river admiring it's earl grey colour and how it lapped at the back sand.

She wondered how rivers looked in the over world, they were probably blue like the sea. She had never been there except once when she was sent to retrieve the soul of Icarus. It was trapped underwater and unable to go to the river styx.

So far he was the only one who had asked about her, but now he was gone in the Elysian Fields. She loved that time in the over world. She loved how the cool breeze stirred her hair, how the sun warmed her skin and the earthy scent of life.

She was tired of the bone chilling winds, the lightless days and the dead, murky smell of death. But who was she to complain? This was what she would do, all she would do for the rest of her life. Which was all eternity as she was immortal.

She went up the stairs leading to her friend's house. At least she could go outside her house, the fates could not. Their house was shades of black and grey, even their furniture.

All the furniture they basically had was a spinning machine for Clotho spin the string, a giant rack on where Lachesis dispensed it and a table with a giant pair of scissors where Atropos cut the threads.

The three looked up from their work. "Y/N!" Lachesis called out in welcome. Lachesis had to be Y/N's favourite of the fates, she was so nice and cheerful for someone who decided who'd die and when. Clotho was the most hardworking of the sisters, Lachesis was the sunny one and Atropos was the sarcastic one.

"Hello Y/N." Clotho said giving her a small wave from the spinning machine. "Hey." Atropos called out uninterested, Lachesis rolled her eyes and smiled at her saying Atropos hadn't actually meant it like that.

"Hello! Anything new?" Y/N asked knowing their answer, because they always had the same answer. "Nope! It's the same as yesterday! We do the same things over and over!" Lachesis answered. "Theseus's dad just died." Announced Atropos holding a cut string.

Y/N shook her head "I don't understand how you know which string is who's!" Clotho allowed herself a small laugh. "Each string has a different feel! Every spirit feels different. For example a hero's string would feel stronger than a villains string. It depends on the strength of their life!" Clotho explained patiently.

"It's just like how you can tell each spirit apart." Lachesis added "We can't do that." Y/N nodded understanding a bit better.


The four turned towards the stairs from where the wail came from. Hades stood in the doorway looking dejected.

Y/N scoffed 'Drama King' before asking "What's wrong?" Hades looked at her incredulously. "Wrong?! What's wrong?! THIS CHANGES THE COURSE OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!" He yells.

Atropos rolled her eyes "At least tell us!" she implores Hades. Hades turns to her before wailing:


Y/N looked at him in surprise "Aren't you supposed to be happy?" she asked.

Hades shook his head "I WASN'T THE ONE WHO KILLED HIM!" he yelled disappointed.

"But doesn't that make it easier to rule the world?" Y/N asked dryly. Immediately Hades stops shouting and perks up.

"You're right!"

He turns to Y/N "Be sure to put hi in hell!" Y/N shakes her head in amazement. "No one can control that. I expect he'll go to the Elysian Fields though- all angels do." Y/N responds. Hades groans "GREAT! Now he'll be in paradise while I'm stuck in hell!"

"Don't you like hell?" Atropos questioned.

Hades glares at her "I'M TRYING TO MAKE A POINT!" he snaps before going down the stairs.



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