Chapter 14

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We had rowed to a safe spot on the shore, far away from the labyrinth of spite. My arms ached from rowing the heavier than usual boat and I stood panting on bent knees. Dark Pit had laid Pit, who was still asleep, against a dead tree stump.

He was now rummaging through my bag for flint to start a fire. "Really?! Bread?!" Dark Pit asks me holding up a loaf of bread and a few pomegranates "And pomegranates?!" I nodded. "Pomegranates and bread are literally the only things we've got." I explain.

He stares at me still looking confused "Persephone is obsessed with pomegranates, which is why we have a lot of those. Bread is cheap and Hades likes to be as cheap as possible." I elaborate feeling annoyed.

Dark Pit says nothing and starts a fire. How Pit slept through all this- I don't know.

"You know... I wasn't always good." Dark Pit says suddenly looking at the river. "Wait- Really?!" I ask surprised. I sit down criss cross on the black sand, across from Pit.

"Yes, I wanted to destroy him because with him alive- everyone saw me as his clone. As his opposite. I really wanted to prove that I was different! For once I wanted people to take me as my own person. Well during that- I guess Pit... got to me..." He laughs lightly at the end.

"I- didn't know that...!" I say stunned. I never would have thought it- Burnt Pit saved Angel boy and I from the hydra! A villain couldn't do that... A villain wouldn't save a hero... Then again- he wasn't a villain anymore...

If an Edgy boy can do it- Then I can!

Dark Pit looks at the pomegranates with disgust "What? Don't you like pomegranates?" I ask enjoying this. "Actually-No-" He glares at me apparently having decent intuition skills.

"It's either pomegranates and bread- or you starve!" I take a pomegranate and pluck out a few seeds to eat. "..." "More for me!" I toss the seeds in my mouth.

The truth is I don't like them either, but when they're just about the only thing you can eat- you get used to it.

Dark Pit groans in annoyance and drops the pomegranate, he then picks up a loaf of bread and takes a bite. "Tastes like cardboard!" He complains, I roll my eyes. Mood.

I reach over in front of me and shake Pit. He doesn't wake up "Will you go and wake him up?" I ask Dark Pit "I'm eating!" he protests smiling lightly. "Fine!" I get up from my comfortable spot and walk over to Pit.

"Pit." I lightly nudge him.

No answer.

"Pit!" I poke him.

No answer.

"PIT!" I shake him.

No answer.

I sigh, this is getting ridiculous! How can anyone sleep through this?! I look back at Dark who was chewing on bread and watching the scene with amusement. "What now?!" I snap, he shrugs "I don't know? Slap him??" I look at him incredulously. I'm not slapping an angel!

"PIT YOU LEFT YOUR CAT IN THE MICROWAVE!" I yell in his ear. He gets up with a start and his eyes fly open "IS IT OKAY LADY PALUTENA?!" he shrieks. He looks around, dazed "What? Where's my cat? Lady Palutena??" he spills out question after question.

"Remember- you're in hell. LITERALLY." I tell him doubting my life choices. He droops in disappointment before perking up "Are those pomegranates?!" he points to the one I have in my hand. "I love pomegranates!" I hand him one "Since when??" Dark Pit asks.

"Since now!" Pit says simply.

I look at my half eaten pomegranate not feeling very hungry anymore.

I walk to the edge of the river, I want to try to reach out to Messorem. Are they okay? Usually they're the one bugging me, now it's my turn!








Jeez Y/N, you don't have to shout...

Are you okay?

Thank you for your concern

Are you?!


Can I help?

Why are you suddenly so concerned...

Why did you save me?



I live thanks to your life force. If you're gone- I'm gone. No one wants to disappear from existence.... To save myself- I have to protect you...

Thank you...


Are you okay?

No... I just need a few moments... it's been a while since I've last done it...

But- you never did it!

Not to you I didn't...

Then to who?!

Goodbye Y/N....


Sleep tight...


Dang it! Who did he do it to? Was there someone else before me? Who were they? Why weren't they there anymore? Why was everything so confusing?! Whoever it was, managed to escape his grasp. They weren't in the underworld...

Someone managed to escape...

But who?

I looked back at the two angels. Dark Pit had settled down for the night and was using my bag as a pillow. Pit though was awake- and looking at me.

I walked back and sat down at my spot and stared into the fire. Who escaped- and how? That means I could... if only I knew how!

"Y/N... who's Messorem?" Pit asks me quietly. Not again!

"Th-they're just someone I have to deal with... Someone inside of me. They're not dangerous though!" I lie not wanting to worry him. "So like your conscience!" he asks me "Exactly like that!" I lie again and nod.

"They're not dangerous though... right?! They don't hurt you?" He says seriously, looking concerned. I sigh praying to Hades to forgive me of my sins "No, they don't." I look into the fire once more not bearing to look Pit in the eyes after all those lies.

"Good." he smiles at me. "Would you like me to stand guard tonight?" he asks. "no, I'm used to not sleeping- so I can!" I wave his offer off "You could barely stay awake in the gondola!" Pit nods and lays back down.

I stand up and walk to my gondola. I sit down at the bow, I have a LOT to think about now. Messorem really is getting stronger and I think it has to do with my escaping.

I only hope I'll be strong enough to ignore him...

I hope...


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I wonder who is the one who escaped from Messorem? I hope Y/N can do it! Thanks for reading and stay safe!


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