Chapter 7

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I have taken the angel boy back to my cottage and he is currently trying to sew his string back together. Trying is the key word here.

"Why are strings so tiny?!" He wails trying push the needle through his glowing string. "For starters- it's a string." I say dryly "And who said it'd be easy to resurrect yourself?" I pointed out. He just let out an annoyed huff.

I take my satchel and start throwing things into it. Money, food, water flask, clothes, etc. Pit looks at me weirdly "What are you doing?"


"For what?!"

"To get you back up there!" I say getting annoyed by these stupid questions. Angel boy's eyes widen "You're coming with me?!" he shrieks dropping his needle. "Of course! You didn't think I'd let you go out there on your own did you??"

"I-I did."

"Were you not listening to anything I was saying?!" I snapped "There are monsters out there! You could get lost! And then, there's the path of shadows..." I finish ominously feeling amused at the look of horror on Pit's face.

"The path of shadows?" He asks resuming his sewing. I nod "No one has ever come back from the path of shadows..."


"Just kidding! I only know like ten people!"

"Don't do that!!"

"Okay, okay!"

"Anyways, it's still no joke. If you go in... you are faced with the test of your life. And after that IS FREEDOM!" I tell him smiling at the thought of being able to get out of here.

"I'm just glad I won't be going alone." Pit says looking at his string with a soft smile "Thank you." I wave my hand a bit embarrassed "Enough sap cupid!" I continue packing. A small smile on my face, I won't tell him that!

"I think it's finished!" Pit says smiling happily holding up a weirdly sewed string. FINALLY! "Okay now tie it around your wrist." I instruct. Pit nods he grins in excitement, he puts the string over his wrist with one hand and tries to tie it but he can't join up the two ends.

"Let me!" I say in annoyance secretly being able to relate. I tie a small bow and stand back Cupid looks at the string in confusion. "What no-" But before he can finish his sentence the string lets out a huge beam of light, so bright that I can't see Pit.

I shield my eyes and the light dies out. I lower my hand hesitantly and see Pit standing there as usual and the string has disappeared.

Except his once pale cheeks are now flushed with pink, his eyes have a new lively glimmer to them and overall he looks truly alive.

Something I will never experience...

You got that right!


"Am I alive..?" Pit asks looking to me with his head tilted.

I cross my arms "What do you think?!"

"I think I should ask someone with more experience." He points out. I roll my eyes annoyed that he has a point.

"Yes Pit."


"You are alive."

His confused expression turns into a big grin, he gives a bounce of excitement and does a 'V' with his hand.

"My shift is about to start in an hour so we should leave." I tell him slinging my satchel ver my shoulder and grabbing a hold of my oar. Pit nods with a smile and walks towards the door before looking back "Why are you taking that oar?" he asks.

✓|The Ferry Deity (Pit x reader)Where stories live. Discover now