Chapter 25

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Y/N's POV:

I was sitting down on an oak bench inside of a cage made of rusted metal. The cage was placed outside the docks so I had a full view of who took my job, Phobos. I looked back down pulling and felt in my pocket.

I felt something wooden... what is it? I slid my hand out of my pocket and in my open hand was the a piece of my gondola. In a flash I remember those adventures I had with Cupid and Pitn't.

But that part of my life was over now, no matter how much I wanted it not to be.

I can't believe I was naive enough to think I could one day be free! No one escapes from hell, not even Aether could. And now thanks to my stupid decision I am in a cage forced to watch freaking Phobos taking over my job!

"You need to hold up your end of the bargain!" I smirked leaning against the door frame.

Pit was sitting on the floor with two strings of life, I assume they were his. Just a few seconds ago he was talking to himself about what he would do when he got out of hell. His antics would usually make me slap someone but coming from him, I felt more amused than mad.

"The bargain?" He blinked in confusion. He already forgot?! Typical...

"You said you'd ask your precious goddess to grant me the permission to go into the overworld without dying." I said sounding as patient as I could.

"Right." He nodded in determination "You're not alive yet angel boy..." I said grimly,

"There's still ways to go..."

Pit never got to keep his promise... What did I expect?! Persephone always told me "People will use your good nature Y/N. Be more like Atropos!" I guess Pit's obnoxiously happy personality put my guard down.

Pit's sunny smile popped up into my head. I missed him but, it's over. Forget about it, Y/N! I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts.

"Having a battle with yourself, reaper?"

I glared at Deimos who was guarding me. Everyone took turns guarding me, from Hades himself, down to Atropos. Deimos wasn't so bad... He never wanted to kill me in the Labyrinth of spite, he was always slightly less obnoxious than Phobos and he at least had a sense of right or wrong.

He sat backwards on the wooden chair to face me. "You would have never escaped, Y/N." he tells me.

"I know..."

"It was a stupid choice!"

"I know..."



"Stop it!" he burst out, glaring at me."Stop what?" I asked him feeling really confused, Deimos stood up and walked up to the front of my cage. "Stop being so obedient!" he looked concerned for some reason.

"Why, Deimos?" I asked, he rolled his red eyes "You're usually snappy and roasting me by now! You call me names, you're fun! This isn't you!" he exclaims, I just shrug. "What happened to that Y/N?! The Y/N I know...the Y/N I love...." he added the last part quietly.

"That Y/N is gone." Is all I say. Pit left me behind and took that part of me away- why did I trust him?! I could've been free by now!

"How do I get her back?!" Deimos asks, I just stare taken aback at the anger in his eyes. This kid has anger issues...

"TELL ME!" He shouts, tears form in his eyes. "Why are you so said?" He looks back at me "This isn't you, Y/N! I can't stand you being like this! So closed up!" I sigh sadly "I guess this is the new me..." I answer.

"Every time I came to visit here, you'd roast me. Sure being roasted isn't exactly fun, but it showed me that you were okay enough to annoy me! When Phobos wasn't there you'd talk about everything under the sun and bore me to death! And you still didn't care! You'd call me names, you'd slap me- heck once you even kicked me!"

I smiled sheepishly "Yeah.. Sorry about that.."

"You probably don't know this but you're basically my best friend! It's either you or Phobos! You get bored being around a murderous twin for years... Plus- Ares and Aphrodites never visit us..." he finished staring off into space.

Aphrodites and Ares were Phobos' and Deimos' parents. Everyone knew Aphrodites was ashamed of having such children, they were the personifications of fear and terror after all. Phobos had never cared for them, but I knew Deimos did.

I tried to lighten up the conversation "Remember that time when a Chimaera broke in?!" I smiled. Deimos immediately laughed "Looks like our watch dog, Cerebus, wasn't doing such a great job!"

I lowered my voice "I saw him sleeping on the job that day! Thanks to him I had a panic attack!" Deimos stifled a laugh "I never understood why you were always so scared of Chimaeras!"

"Hey! I killed one you know!"



Instead of scolding me or leaving Deimos laughed "You had quite the adventure, Reaper!" I smiled "I guess I did, Salt...Guess I did..."

"Back to my main point." Deimos' expression grew serious "How do I get the old Y/N back?" I sigh. After thinking for a minute, I answer.

"By being free."

Deimos let's out a deep breath "Anything for you, Y/N..."

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key "No! Deimos- you don't have to!" I say quickly. He could lose his job! Which here meant, to get his immortality taken away from him.

He opened the cage door as quietly as he could. "If it brings you back, then I will." he smiles. I wish he could come with me, but we both knew that it wasn't possible...

"You could die! Are you crazy?!" I whisper shouted "No- I'm Deimos!" he grinned. "Now is not the time, idiot!" he raised his hands up in surrender "Hit me so I become unconscious- then it will look like you escaped yourself!" he urged.

I gave him a tight hug "Thank you... for everything..." I whisper. I pull back and see that he's smiling, he takes a hand and puts it on my head, before saying "You have a god's blessing, Y/N."

I can't believe he did all that for me!

"Hurry up!" Deimos urges me. I nod and hit him over the head with my oar, I can't bear to watch!

I will not be going to the overworld...

I will be going to Aether...


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