Chapter 36

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Y/N's POV:

I feel achy all over, as if someone pushed me against a wall. Though surprisingly, the ground is soft and moist. I open my eyes and see blink a bit to get used to the light, I see blurry shapes of greens and blues. I sit up, despite the pain on my back and look around.

I recognise the place almost immediately, though I've only been here once in my long life. I'm on the... overworld...

that explains this feeling of warmth. The last time I felt it was when I went to retrieve that one soul from the sea. In the underworld all you feel is a unwelcoming, cool never ending draft. The sun tingles my skin, the warmth feels so good. I look down and see light green grass scattered with colourful peonies and dewdrops.

I breathe in and smell the sweet aroma of flowers, the air smells fresh, unlike the stale air of the underworld. I look to the sky and see pure white clouds, scattered on the cerulean sky like feathers falling on water. Sparrows fly through the air, chirping and filling the whole place with the sounds of music.

"Welcome to the overworld, Y/N."

I turn to look behind me and I see Pit, sitting down and looking at me with the most stupid smile ever. Dark Pit is sitting on a rock next to him complaining about him being the one to always save Pit's life. I can't help but smile, being in such a beautiful place.

"Where to now, Pit?" I ask him, he smiles "Now you get to meet Lady Palutena!" he exclaims, his eyes shining. At this I grew a bit nervous, so now I get to meet the famous Palutena? What if she doesn't like me?! I mean Pit committed because of me- what if she holds it against me?

Seeing my expression, Pit puts his hand on my arm "Don't worry, Y/N. I'm sure Lady Palutena will love you when she sees how great you are!" I smile at him, feeling such warmth towards him that I couldn't bear to jerk my hand away and risk him feeling sad. His eyes look so pretty when they shine like that. Wait, what?!


I see Dark Pit with a smirk on his face from the corner of my eye, but Messorem's sudden intrusion prevents me from smiting him.

Where are we?

The Overworld.

Ah, you've escaped. Good.

I thought you wanted me trapped.

Y/N, I'm sorry.

Sorry isn't gonna cut it, Reaper.

Hades programmed me to stop you. Now that you have escaped I can't.

Good for you.

I am alive because of you, I wouldn't want to see you dead.

Gee, thanks.

Stop being so sarcastic! When you are sad, I feel sad. I want you to be happy, then I can be too!

Wow, using me to make your life better?

Thats- It's not what-!

Forget it, you've made my life a living nightmare.

I didn't mean to-

I'll be glad when you are gone.


"How will we get there?" I ask Pit, mentally ending me and Messorem's conversation. "Lady Palutena can teleport us back, now!" My eyes widen at that, Man this goddess is OP. 

Pit takes my hand in his "What are yo-" "You might want to hold on" Pit interrupts me. I decide to listen to him, I mean he rescued me after all, as much as I hate to admit it, I owe this kid. He smiles at me and cocks his head to the side like some squirrel.

Will this kid stop making me feel so bad about rejecting him? It's not my fault the kid got too attached to me! 

Before I can mentally insult him any further I hear a warping sound and my vision goes white. It feels like I'm looking at the sun, it blinds you. I feel woozy, as if I'm suspended in the air, but only for a moment. Before I know it, my feet touch a marble floor and my vision comes back, albeit blurry.

I look around, it seems like some sort of temple. The ionic pillars tower over me holding a heavy marble roof with engravings of the sun and a goddess with a staff thingy and long hair. At the front I see white, marble steps leading the way to a throne. And on that throne sits the most beautiful lady I've ever seen.


She sits in a way that makes you want to bow down to her, she emits a mystical aura. She looks at me with clear, blue eyes that seem to possess clairvoyance and her many golden necklaces and amulets tinkle as she moves. Her hair looks even more pretty than the dewy grass I saw outside, it puts even the greenest emerald to shame. 

She stands up, her staff decorated with a saphire in hand. She walks towards me, you could practically cut the air with a knife. I bow respectfully, not wanting to make an enemy out of this Lady. Her high heeled shoes clack on the marble, coming closer and closer.

"Lady Palutena!" Pit exclaims running over to her "We rescued Y/N!" he says practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. Pit holds a hand out to me, with a reassuring smile, I accept it and he pulls me forward.

"Y/N, this is Lady Palutena!"

"...uh, pleased to meet you your er... excellency." I bow down again, god this is embarrassing. What must she think of me- working for Hades? "Welcome Y/N. Pit has told me a lot about you. I am glad that you could make it." she offers me a smile.

Her voice sounds kinder than I expected, I can tell that she's sincere from the tone. For some reason her voice makes me want to start crying and spill all my worries out to her. But I won't- I'm not THAT desperate.

"Pit, Y/N must be tired from her adventure, take her to the spare room." Lady Palutena smiles at me again. I suddenly get the vision of Atropos's dead body when she says 'adventure', I push it away. Mark my words- I will revive her.

3rd person POV:

Palutena watches Pit lead Y/N away, Dark Pit not far behind them.

She can tell Pit likes her. The way he held her hand when he introduced Y/N to her, the way he glanced at her nervously when the two girls met. All these small actions gave it away.

Palutena could only hope that his feelings would be returned.


Thank you so much for reading! If you liked what you read consider giving it a vote. I hope you enjoyed and stay safe!


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