Chapter 9

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"This marks it." I say staring at the spirit docks with a mix of happiness and longing.

"Marks what?" Pit looks down at me still rowing the gondola. I sit up "The furthest I've been from the underworld." I reply. "Aren't you supposed to know about the rest of it?!" Pit asks in alarm "relax! I've read all about it!" I chuckle.

Pit still looks at unease, I let it go and decide to enjoy the moment.

I sit up as I hear a bubbling sound, Pit too has stopped rowing. We look around nervously trying to find the source of the sound.

I find it at the front of the gondola. A dark patch of water with air bubbles bursting at the surface. I know what this means...

Please don't be a hydra!

(AN: I know I also had a hydra chapter in FF but bear with me please. 1. I have no idea of any other monster that is dragon like, greek and can breathe underwater, 2. I HATE HYDRAS!)

"Pit... Get ready." I say tightening my grip on my so called weapon. I feel really scared right now, All I have to protect me is a stick and a really dense angel. "Wh-what is it?" Pit stutters dropping his oar "A hydra." I keep staring at the spot.

Pit apparently notices my unease "I'll protect you!" he states boldly. I roll my eyes "Wow! I feel so protected!" I say sarcastically "Plus I can take care of myself!..... I think." I add quietly.

Luckily Pit doesn't seem to hear.


The hydra explodes out of the water with a burst and stares us in the eye with two heads. Water vapour spews out of its noses and its yellow eyes show no expression and no mercy. "Pit!" I yell now feeling really panicked "Get your weapon out!" I gasp as I dodge a swipe of its claws.

We have really little fighting space! We are on a gondola after all.

"I don't have any!" Pit yells back I glare at him "WHAT?!" I screech hitting the hydra repeatedly with my oar. "I only have a sword!" He explains ducking under the hydra's claws I look at him in disbelief "THEN USE THE FREAKING SWORD YOU IDIOT!"

"Okay!" Pit says and pushes forward and slashes at the hydra's neck "NO!" I yell but it's too late. The two headed hydra is now the three headed hydra.

"WHAT?!" Pit shrieks backing away next to me. I glare at him "YOU DIDN'T KNOW?!" he looks at me apologetically.

Fear strikes my eyes as the hydra's claws reach for me. I am too scared to move, the connect with my arm and I feel an unbearable stinging sensation. My hood is ripped away from me and I am thrown into the water.

I see Pit reach for me "Y/N!" but the hydra strikes him, then my vision is filled with water and bubbles.

I struggle trying to get up towards the dim light coming from the surface. I kick out with my legs and reach out with my arms. Bubbles escape my lips.. I'm running out of time. I keep swimming in desperation.

A few seconds later my head breaks out of the water. I take a huge gasp and breathe in the sweet air. What took less than a minute felt like an hour.

I looked around, the gondola was a few strokes away and Pit was trying to parry a claw with his sword. The hydra pushed him to the back of the boat with a flick of its wrist. I swam hurriedly to the boat and Pit helped me up.

We stood at the back of the boat. The hydra watched us menacingly, about to perform the killing strike. I stepped forward, I knew a hydra strike could be fatal but I guess Hades could just resurrect me. Though I wouldn't have any memories.

I held out my stick and stood in front of the hydra, shivering from the cold and water dripping from my body. Pit tried to pull me back "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I shook him off and stared the hydra right into its eyes.

As the hydra lurched forward I thrust my oar into its body. It stopped for a second stunned, I thought I defeated it! Then it drew back leaving the oar in my hand. It looked at its wound and looked at me with new anger in its eyes.

I backed up now regretting my life choices and stood next to Pit. He looked at me sarcasm clear in his eyes "I tried!" I protested.

The hydra once again drew back. Pit drew closer to me and we backed away to the end of my gondola.

So this is it.

Pit held my hand tightly in his, I was too scared to care. I screwed my eyes shut and blood rushed in my ears. I drew my arm up and braced myself for the impact.

"HEY! DEMON FISH!" Calls out an unknown voice.

I open my eyes to see the source of the insult, Pit too looks around. The hydra also looks around very confused.

I see an angel, with black wings- he looks just like Pit. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?! WHY ARE THERE SUDDENLY SO MANY ANGELS IN THE UNDERWORLD?!

The angel draws back and gives the hydra a hard kick and the hydra disappears under the water. I walk to the edge of my gondola and look for bubbles.

There are none.

I sit back still looking at the newcomer. Pit rows us to the nearby shore and jumps out, the other angel lands and looks at Pit smugly.

"PITTOO!" Pit runs to the other angel and gives him a big hug.

Pittoo?? What kind of name is that?!

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Pittoo pushes Pit of him Pit still bounces excitedly "YOU CAME!!!!" Pittoo just nods and says "I guess we're even."

Is this the angel Pit was talking about in his autobiography?

I get out of the boat with my mangled and ripped hood "WILL SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I yell.

Pit jumps in fright and this... Pittoo looks at me "Who's grim reaper junior?"

I growl.

He's worse than Pit.


YASS! Our favourite or second favourite angel is here! Thanks for reading I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay safe!


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