Chapter 20

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"How do we get down?" Pit asks peeking over the edge of the cliff. It was about seven meters high, no way was I gonna jump that! "I guess we climb..." Pittoo states, I shake my head- what if the Chimaera is waiting down there?! We'll basically be giving it a free meal!

"I can't." I sit down and hold my oar tightly. "Eh. Take it or leave it." Dark Pit says and sits down and proceeds to eat a pomegranate "I can wait here all day..." he says.

I can feel the fear inside my body, my heart beats faster and a bunch of butterflies decided to go and have a disco in my stomach. I can't do this. It's a freaking Chimaera for Hades' sake! It's part Lion part snake and part goat- I can't fight that!

Pit gives Dark Pit a look before sitting down next to me. "You know, Y/N, if you get through this you will be free." Pit says not looking at me, I nod. "Isn't that worth it?" He asks "I won't let anything happen to you- I promise! Through only if you promise me to try." Cupid smiles and holds his hand out.

I reach out for it but then I stop, Pit apparently has good intuition skills and sees my hesitation. "If you're that scared then... Pittoo can fly and take you..." Pittoo stands up "No I'm not!" Pit gives him a glare "I mean- of course!" Edgy boy says.

"What about you?" I ask Pit, he lowers his eyes "I'll have to go through on foot..." he says quietly. "I'm going!" I say and stand up on shaky legs "Really?!" Pit grins. "I can't let you go into a Chimaera forest alone- If I had to go on my own I'd practically die." I explain.

"Thanks, Y/N!" Pit exclaims giving me a hug.


" problem..." I say and awkwardly pat him on the back before getting out of his grasp quickly. I don't even know what to say anymore... I died of embarrassment in my head. What is going on today?!

The three of us try to climb down- well me and Pit do and Dark Pit flies down. Show off...

I'm decent enough at climbing but Pit isn't. I made the mistake of going down first and now I have to deal with the anxiety of Pit slipping and making me fall.

I use the three point rule and stay light on my feet. I move my hands' holds before changing foot holds and all is going okay.

Pit constantly keeps on asking me questions "How much further?", "Am I doing it right?" and "Is there another foot hold?" from these questions you'd think Pit had never climbed. "Have you ever climbed before, Pit?" I ask him, I hear a nervous laugh "UH...N-NO?"

Oh Hades! More to add to my already big pile of anxiety!

And then I hear the mother of it all...

"Y/N- I'm slipping!"

That made my blood run cold.

"Okay! Pit are there any foot holds near you?" I ask trying to help him and getting as low as possible. "No, I have one for my hand and the other one broke!" his voice becomes urgent "I'm going to fall!"


I don't need thirty seven kilos of Pit falling on me- there's still three and a half meters to go and I'm too young to die!

"Stay calm!" I urge him "It's breaking, Y/N!"

Guess I'll die!

"Pit, you're going to fall-" "I know!" Pit interrupts me "It's only four meters for you and it's not gonna hurt much." I tell him.

"It's not?"


"It's almost gone!"

"Dark Pit- HELP!"

Dark Pit is sitting down on the black grass and eating a pomegranate "No way!" he calls back "I don't want Pit to fall on me!" he resumes eating his pomegranate. "I hate you!" I yell at him, he looks up for a second "The feeling is mutual." is his reply.

I will get him for this- BOTH of them...Mark my words...

"AH!" I hear Pit's yelp of surprise and see the angel falling towards me with the force of gravity. I'm finished... the rest happens in a second but feels like an hour.

Pit crashes into me and I am forced off the wall along with him, my back is facing the sky and the wind whips my chiton around.

I am met with a hard thud on the grassy ground and I wince. Has Pit fallen yet? My answer is given by the gods when Pit comes falling from the sky. I screw my eyes shut waiting for the contact.

He falls on me and the wind is knocked out of my body "OW...." I groan. My body aches too much to even move, Pit shuffles around from on top of me so he's facing me.

His blue eyes widen in concern "Are you okay, Y/N?!" he exclaims. I muster the little air and energy I can to reply "I will be... when..when-you get... off!" I gasp. Pit's cheeks turn pink and he quickly gets off of me.

He then crouches down and helps me sit up and leans me against him. I am too hurt and winded to even care about the physical contact. I focus on trying to breathe again, taking slow deep breaths in and out.

"That was the funniest thing ever!" Dark Pit laughs walking over to us. My back really hurts and my stomach, I feel like to throw up... If I had the energy to slap Dark Pit- I would give him the wallop of his life.

"Can't you see that she's hurt Pittoo?!" Pit scold him. Pit turns me around so that I face him "Are you okay, Y/N? I'm so sorry! It's all my fault!" he wails and gives me another hug. "I-I...just get my... breathing started... and my back... hurts." I wheeze trying to reassure him.

I don't have the energy to pull away and boy- do I wish I did!

This is the worst day of my life...

and it's about to get worse.

Pit is still hugging me but from behind him I see three pairs of yellow eyes watching us.

"The Chimaera.." I whisper and my heart beat quickens.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading! I will try my best to finish this story so I can get started on Falling Feathers two! Stay safe!


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