Chapter 15

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We had been rowing on the river for a few days. We were lucky enough not to encounter any monsters- except maybe a Minotaur. Minotaurs are easy- even a human can kill one! Theseus did... I hate him!

He left his true love- Ariadne on a desert island because he got 'bored' of her. Who does that?! Love is complicated, guess I'll never know!

Anyways, now we were rowing on the river as usual, Angel boy and burnt Pit were rowing. It made for a good change, I could actually enjoy the scenery. I never knew the river looked so beautiful when it lapped against my oak gondola!

You're making a mistake...

Seriously Messorem?!

You are...

One second you save my life and the next you're back at trying to manipulate me!



The second you tell him about me...


He won't trust you...


Then why didn't you tell him?...


See? You know why...


"How much further until the shadow path Y/N?" The angel asks me tipping his head in curiosity. I think for a bit before bringing the map out "There is a long stretch of plain river, we'll probably encounter a few things there. Then we have a forest that belongs to a chimaera and THEN we have the path of shadows." I read aloud from the map.

Pit's smile droops "And how long will tat take?" he asks "Uh... around a week." I predict. "A WEEK?!" he shrieks "HADES COULD DESTROY THE WORLD IN A WEEK!" "And now you realise?!" Pittoo shakes his head.

I don't know who's side I'm on anymore. Am I good for helping them or bad for being created and working for Hades. What will I do when I'm out?! How will I make money?! How will I live?!

Why didn't I think of that?! I just blindly went with it.

"Are you okay Y/N? You look nervous." Pit asks with concern. He could tell- through my hood? "I....uh-well... How will I live when we get to the overworld?!" I ask nervously.

Pit's concern turns into a grin "Oh? That's fixed easily! You could help me and Lady Palutena!" he exclaims. "Would she take me in...? I did work for Hade-" Pit cuts me off "She doesn't care about your origin- she'll care about the type of person that you are." He gives me a reassuring smile.

I'm still not completely satisfied but I drop the matter.

"Hey do you hear that?!" Pittoo asks with a sense of urgency. The three of us stop talking and rowing to listen. Sure enough I here a dull blur of noise.

It sounds like... water. Moving really fast... "A WHIRLPOOL!" I scream. Pit turns to me sharply "THERE'S A WHIRLPOOL?!" He yells "It wasn't in the book or on the map! I think it came recently!" I shout.

I take my oar and start rowing away from the noise "Help me!" I implore the two angels. My arms shake with the effort and my breathing becomes ragged.

No matter how hard we row we get pulled towards the noise slowly. I take a second to look back and I gasp.

There is a whirlpool a few yards away from us. the murky grey water gets darker the closer it is to the hole. It looks like sand falling in an hour glass. I look around wildly and adrenaline fills my senses.

The shore is too far and we're getting closer by the second.

I look at the two angels...wait-ANGELS. These guys can fly! I can be resurrected by Hades anytime "Go! You can fly! Save yourselves!" I yell at them. This causes protest "I'm not leaving you both to die!" Dark Pit growls.

"I can't..." Pit says quietly. He can't!? I'll ask later!

Suddenly our gondola tips backward and I am thrown from the back to the front along with Pit and Dark Pit. My heart pounds faster than ever- this is worse than the hydra!

And no one is here to save us...

"I'm so sorry..." I whisper before my gondola tips upside down.

I am dropped into the waters of the river styx. I force my eyes open despite the sting and I urge my limbs to propel me above the water. My head breaks through the surface and I take in a shuddery gasp of air.

I look around for my two companions, I don't see them...

The whirlpool rotates me around and around, I start to feel dizzy. I struggle to keep my head above water and I reach the middle. My eyes widen as I am swallowed up by the endless midnight coloured water.

The sound of rushing water fills my ears. I try to reach the surface but the whirlpool keeps pushing me down. My limbs ache and at last I....

I give up...

My last breath escapes my lips and I watch the air bubbles rise to the surface- the place I wish I was.

My eyes flutter closed and the last thing I hear is rushing water.


"Hello." Hades greets you.

He had just created you a few minutes ago.

"Wh-where am I?" You ask looking at the god of the underworld with wide eyes. He simply smiles and you can't help but feel that it isn't real.

"You are home.... Y/N"

"I-Is that name?"


"Why can't I remember?" You know in your heart that there is something bigger going on. Hades hesitates "Oh... you got hurt and I-" he points to himself and another god. A woman. "saved you with the help of my wife- Persephone."

Persephone looks depressed. The light in her eyes is dull, her sin is pale and she has a frail and fragile look about her.

She speaks "Come Y/N, darling. I'll show you what you're supposed to do." She leads you outside the gates towards a wooden oak gondola.

Since that day you had been rowing all you life until a certain blue-eyed angel lead you away and opened your eyes beyond your life.

It's too bad that it was cut short...

-End of memory-


Is Y/N dead? It seems so, who else did she have to save her? Messorem was too weak, Pit can't fly, Dark Pit was nowhere to be seen. The gods wouldn't either... Was it perhaps an old friend? Atropos? Lachesis? Clothos? Cerebus?

Guess you won't know until the next chapter...

Keep reading! Thanks for reading the and I hope you enjoyed it! Stay safe everyone!


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