Chapter 18

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"After this we have only the path of shadows left!" Pit chirps, he's been really close to me lately. Every time we go for breakfast, lunch or dinner in Aether's dining room- he sits next to me. Every time I double check the maps- he helps me.

Or well TRIES to help- that kid's bad at geography. Heck, when I go outside- he tags along. I don't mind the extra company really, but since when?

It's like someone told him I was about to die and he felt bad for me. Or he wants to get closer to me and learn all my secrets-!

Does he know about Messorem? No- I swore Dark to secrecy and Aether wouldn't tell.

"No, Pit, after this is the forest and THEN there's the path of shadows." I correct him, trying to keep my patience. I literally told him this everyday! I didn't want to shout at him because shouting at Pit would be like shouting at a puppy.

"What's in there?" Pit asks me tilting his head "There's the chimaera- remember?" I sigh. Pit thinks for a moment "What's that?" I face palm "Hey! Edgy boy- get over here and teach your brother about chimaeras!" I call out to Pittoo who is sitting on the other side of the table and trying to eat a pomegranate.

"We're not brothers!" He snaps, Pit flinches looking hurt. I zone out of the conversation and check my maps again.

We don't have my gondola, which means we have to go on foot...

Not only would that be more tiring, it would also be dangerous. There were all kinds of random monsters down here! Hell- we even encountered a hydra outside Hades's place for gods' sake!

As I am thinking I hear tidbits of Cupid and Edgelord's conversation.

"Hey Pittoo? What's a chimaera?"

"It's a huge dragon-"


"That has the head of a snake-"


"It breathes fire and has the tail of a pig-"


"It can turn invisible and has the powers of the eggplant wizard."


"And it smells fear!"

I hear a high pitched noise from Pit as Emo Pit laughs.

"Y/N!" I feel a tug at my sleeve, I turn in annoyance and see Pit looking at me and his eyes are wide with fear. "What is it now?" I ask impatiently "Pittoo said that Chimaeras are snake-headed dragons that breathe fire and have pig tails that can turn us into eggplants!" he wails.

"Isn't there any other way?! WE'RE ALL GONNA BECOME EGGPLANTS!" Pit yells looking at me with pleading eyes.

That is not the description of a chimaera. I look at Pittooey, who's struggling not to laugh. "Really? That was low Pittoo-LOW." I glare at him, he raises his hands in surrender.

Jeez! Being friends- I mean PARTNERS with these two is like being partners with a five year old that has a sugar rush and a moody teenager who listens to too much rock.

"Okay, Pittoo was mistaken, kid." I tell Pit gently "Chimaera's are lions with a snake head, a goat head and a snake tail." I explain.

"So n-no eggplants?" Pit asks "No eggplants!" I confirm. Why was this kid so scared of eggplants?!

"The best thing we can do in that forest is to try to stay quiet and not alert the chimaera. If it sees us then we can probably climb a tree." I tell them.

The truth is, I'm scared of chimaeras... They have three heads! They're creepy and weird! I once saw one when there was a chimaera loose in Hades's place. That's where my fear started. It had cornered me and all I had for a weapon was a possessed, vandalised, wooden stick.

I could feel its hot breath on me, its cruel yellow eyes were narrowed and saliva dripped from it's wide open mouth where I saw rows of sharp teeth. Worst of all it jumped.

Let's just say that if it weren't for Deimos I wouldn't be here today...

I guess that's why I like Deimos better than Phobos- that guy is a narcissist.

"I can just fly~" Pittoo said looking at Pit, I think he targeted it towards cupid. The Angel just glared at him and crossed his arms over his chest, turning his back to his doppelgänger.

Pit was an angel, so why couldn't he fly? I've always wondered that but never asked because cupid seemed very sensitive about it. Anyways I'm planning to leave now, it's the morning and we've been here for three days already!

Aether walks into her dining room "Planning to leave, I see." she gestures to the maps in front of me. "I want to but the path of shadows is at least four days away! Plus- there's a chimaera." I whisper quietly. I don't want Angel boy or Pittoo knowing- I don't want to seem weak and I don't want to slow them down.

"You know there's no other way, Y/N..!" Aether laughs quietly, I nod trying to forget about chimaeras.

"Hey, Cupid! Pittoo! I think we should leave!" I tell the two squabbling angels, wow- subtle Y/N! I scold myself seeing their bewildered looks.

Pit's surprised expression turns into an encouraging smile "Okay!" Pittoo takes some time "Fine- and don't call me that!" he snaps. "Whatever you say... Pittoo!" I smile evilly.

Aether passes me a basket, I take it and open the reed-woven lid. Inside are assortments of food and some flasks of water. I look at Aether wide eyed "Thank you Aether..." Aether just gives me another smile.

She walks the three of us to the door and opens it for us with a sad look on her face.

"Why are you helping me so much?" I ask her when Cupid and Edgy boy are outside. She looks at me and hesitates for a second "... It's because... I wish I had someone to help me and guide me... when I escaped Hades." she pauses "I don't want anyone to feel as lost and alone as I was back in those days..."

I wasn't expecting that. I wish I were as noble and good as her- but I know that is not possible. I give her a hug, the first hug I've ever willingly given anyone. "Thank you- so much, Aether..." I say quietly, my voice is muffled by her shoulder.

I let go and give her one last look, she gazes back with a watery smile.

I jog to catch up with The angel and Pittoo. The three of us look back at Aether's humble cottage.

This was the last time I'd see her...


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if it sucked- it was mostly filler! I'm thinking to do some re-writing on chapter 17 later (Chapter before this one) because I want to clear a few things! Stay safe!


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