Chapter 11

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We rowed on in silence.

The labyrinth was no joke. Phobos and Deimos were though. Usually they wouldn't be any trouble, but I AM helping the enemy after all. I hope we're strong enough, They're both formidable gods even though they're not very mature.

Those guys were really creepy. Very creepy.

The books say that they'd use your greatest fears against you- I know from experience. I am not looking forward to watching myself be taken over by Messorem.

They are using you...

Shut up!

They are...

Again with this?

It's true...

No it isn't!

How do you know?

I-I.... I feel I can trust them.

So you're just trusting a minor feeling that's probably wrong?

...When you put it that way..

Only I understand you Y/N...


I feel a light shake on my shoulder, it's just Pit "Is that the labyrinth?" he asks me pointing ahead. I look to the front and see two dark walls with an entrance, the walls are about a hundred meters high according to the book and the interior is filled with mist.

"Yes it is, Pit."

I nod filled with dread, I did not want to see those boys again. There was a 50% chance we'd meet them and another 50% that we won't. I hope it's the latter.

"Where do we leave our boat?" Burnt Pit asks "Leave it there kid" I respond more preoccupied with my fear.

"Won't it float away?" He persists I nod "Y/N are you feeling okay?" Pit joins the conversation. I sigh getting annoyed "The current will pull the boat to the end of the labyrinth!" Emo angel just nods looking warily at me.

We get off and stand at the foot of the labyrinth.

I stare on at the swirling white mist and feel my heart pounding. I can feel my body temperature decrease as I clench my fists.

If this it what it takes to be free- Then so be it.

I gulp "Let's go." and I walk into the labyrinth on shaky knees.

As soon as I walk through the black walls I am greeted with a chill. I fall back behind the two angels- Better them than me! Kidding!

"There must be a lot of abandoned boats at the end." Pittoo says looking around anxiously. I look at him with question "You said most don't make it out." Dark Pit adds. "Let's not think about that!" Pit exclaims with a wavering voice.

Poor kid he's practically shaking. Then again- he's probably used to fighting flying eyes and running cakes and not two perverted, creepy gods in a scary and cold labyrinth which no one has escaped from yet.

We are met with a fork in the path. The three of us stop, I look in every direction hoping that Phobos and Deimos aren't there.


My heart stops.

I see a glowing red spot- it's coming closer!


"A soufleé!" Pit yells forgetting in the situation we are in. Pit starts to run, I jump forward ready to stop him but Dark Pit beats me. He pulls Pit back by his scarf "Are you crazy Pit-stain?! We have enough on our plate without getting separated!" he growls.

"But it's a Soufleé!" Pit whines "We're in a labyrinth for god's sake Pit!" I snap feeling more than a little agitated. "Are you okay Y/N?" Pit asks coming closer I walk backwards "No I am not okay!" I say.

Messorem keeps whispering in my ear. I wish that stupid ear worm would stop! Pit opens his mouth to speak "NO I don't want to talk about it!" I interrupt him.

"Let's keep going forward." Dark Pit says pointing to the path in front off us and giving me a sympathetic look.

See? They don't get it...


They don't understand what you're going through...


The only ones who do...

Please! STOP!

Are in the under world...


What will they do when they find out...


That you have me?


You can't be so sure..

I can!

The only thing that's for sure is...


The one true thing is...


That you're not good- you're bad...


I turn my thoughts away from Messorem trying to silence them. I have a choice! I can be who I want to be. I can be good despite my origins, right?


Our footsteps echo and the three of us keep walking, trying to keep quiet. I turn my head at every drop of water or caw of a crow, each time hoping it isn't the dreaded duo. I can feel Pit looking at me with concern- I don't need it.

Why am I even doing this?

I'm doing this to be free. Free of Messorem. No one in the underworld can break my oar- There's nothing in the books. Not even it's creator, Hades, can break it. I hope someone- someone like Zeus- can break it and free me of my fate.

"Pit..." I ask suddenly "Why do you trust me?" Pit looks at me a bit surprised before looking away. "I guess it's because you helped me so much already. You left your life behind to come with me and guide me!" he smiles back at me. "I'm from the underworld." I persist. "Living beings don't follow an already made path. They forge their own. People don't live by their label Y/N, neither do you."

I wasn't expecting that- Pit actually sounded wise.

"Thanks Pit." I say quietly.

"I hate to say it Pit-stain, but I was moved." Pittoo says from the front "Thank you." Dark Pit adds quietly.

We keep walking but I feel someone watching us. I stop and look around.

"what's wrong Y/N?" Asks Pit stopping next to me.

"Yes Y/N?" Says a spine chilling voice "What's wrong?"

I turn and am met with two red eyes I take a step back.

My heart beats even faster if possible.

A cold hand touches my shoulder and I feel hot breath on my ear,

Phobos, Deimos.

"You're far from home Y/N..."


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