Chapter 29 - Grodd Friended Me

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3rd Person POV

Barry's body starts seizing next to me. "Frost!" I exclaim, tears pricking my eyes once again

Frost rushes over along with Kamilla and Chester. "Barry's body is reacting to whatever's happening in the mindscape." Frost says

"So if he dies in there, he dies out here too?" Kamilla asks

"Not in front of the kid." Frost says through her teeth but we all could read through the lines. The answer to Kamilla's question: yes

"Do you have any sedatives?" Chester asks

"No, those don't work on speedsters." Frost says

"No, no, no, no. I meant... I meant for me." Chester says

"Look, I know you're new." Frost tells Chester. "But we keep our calm in front of certain company." She says and the way she says 'certain' I knew she meant me

The computer screen begins beeping. Frost stares at the screen

"Uh, Frost, you've got that look Cisco has before he throws a bunch of science words at us that basically means 'we're frakked'." Kamilla says

"The signals traveling to Barry's cortex are moving at a hyper-neural speed." Frost says. "We've only seen one other brain whose neurons can fire this fast."

"Barry's in Grodd's mind." I finish for her, looking at the group

"Gorilla Grodd?" Chester asks. "Damn. Yo, he is, like, my favorite supervillain ever! He's, like, super strong, is super smart, and... Barry's super trapped in his mind, which is very, very bad."

"We modified Grodd's telepathic crown to keep him in a coma at A.R.G.U.S." Frost says. "But its neural-inhibiting capabilities can only sustain one mind. Before long, the mindscape will overload and crumble. If that happens and Barry's still inside..."

"He would die." Kamillia says and my eyes widen

"And not good things will happen." Frost corrects Kamilla

"Well, can't we just call A.R.G.U.S. and ask them to shut it off?" Kamilla asks

"Uh, no." Frost says. "If we do that while Barry's still connected to Grodd's mind, he'll be trapped in there forever. I... I still don't understand how this happened. How did Grodd get inside Barry's mind?"

"Because of me." Chester says. "When I tweaked this earlier, I adjusted its hypothalamic connection... by a factor of 900%."

"Okay. Well, that's more than enough signal for another brain to piggyback on." Frost says. "And Barry was wearing that when he was whammied."

"I am so sorry." Chester whispers. "I... I never should've came here. This is all my fault." He rushes out of the room

"Frost..." I whisper and she knows what I mean. The two of us leave the room after Chester

"Hey." Frost calls after Chester. "How's you running away gonna help us get Barry out of Grodd's mind?"

"Because if I'm not around, at least I can't make things worse." Chester says

"Look, I hate to break it to you, but accidentally putting Barry's life in danger is kind of a rite of passage around here." Frost says. "We've all done it: Cisco, me, Ralph, even the janitor. He put too much wax on the floor."

"Mack hasn't done anything." Chester says

"I've done quite a bit." I tell him

"But after we put his life in danger, we figure out a plan to get him out of it." Frost says. "So now it's your turn."

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