Chapter 28 - Grodd Friended Me

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MacKenzie's POV

"Guys, I saw the alert." Barry's voice comes through the comms. "Meta attack downtown. I'm on my way." He says

"Sounds good, Flash." Kamilla answers

"Kamilla? Is that you?" Barry asks

"Uh, yeah." Kamilla says

"And Chester P. Runk, sir!" Chester exclaims. "Ready to assist you in all your superhero needs."

"Why are you two on comms?" Barry asks

"Uh, Kamilla let me in." Chester says

"Frost is at A.R.G.U.S., checking on Bloodwork." Kamilla begins to explain. "Cisco's off the grid, cataloging post-Crisis metas. Iris is on a story..."

"And Ralph is who-knows-where, tracing down Sue Dearbon." Barry finishes. "Okay, no worries. I'll do this solo."

"I'm here too!" I call from my seat, working on my physical therapy exercises. I no longer have a cast (yay), just a brace but while I do physical therapy (which right now is a grip strengthener) I take it off

"Hey, Mack." Barry says through the comms

"Are you sure you don't want some help?" Chester asks. "Cause, I mean, I'm... I'm ready, willing, and caffeinated, sir. Put me in, coach!"

"Thanks, Chester, but I'm good." Barry says

"Pass me the keyboard." I tell Chester and he looks at me as I put my grip strengthener on the desk

"Aren't you supposed to be working on your physical therapy?" Chester asks as I strap my brace back into place on my wrist

"She's getting us visuals." Kamilla says. "Pass her the keyboard."

"Awesome." Chester whispers, passing me a keyboard

I hack into the security footage and pull up the visuals and audio of the jeweler business

"Hartley Rathaway." Barry says, speeding in and taking off Hartley's gloves. "Since when are you a diamond thief?"

"It's Pied Piper, Flash." Hartley says. "And you're really gonna ask me that after what you and your friends did to me?"

"Uh, what did we do?" Barry asks, confused

"Wow, Flash." Chester says through the comms. "My brother, that is epically cold. How do you not remember? It was really bad."

"Uh, I do not remember either." I whisper

"Oh, great. Another Crisis change." Barry mutters

"Apparently, there's something else you don't remember." Hartley says. "The gauntlets are just my backup singers."

"Wait, what?" Barry asks. Hartley uses his sonic whatever and flies through the ceiling. "Great. He can fly now."

"No worries, Flash." Chester says. "P-Runk is all over it. That sonic boom had a specific frequency. If I scan for the same wavelength, I think we can..." He says, typing on the computer. "Voilà!"

"Flash, Rathaway's at 52nd and Palm." Kamilla says

"All right, I'm on it." Barry says. "I'll take Broadway."

"Uh, I wouldn't do that, sir." Chester says

"Why not?" Barry and I ask at the same time

"Because there's a–" Kamilla starts but through the comms, we hear a train horn blare

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