**read to the BOTTOM for important updates regarding THREE MACK CENTRIC EPISODES**
MacKenzie's POV
"So, I hear it's been pretty hectic for you lately." Dr Jane says, resting her pen on her notebook
"Yeah, I guess you could say that." I say, pulling me legs under me to sit criss cross on the couch across from her with slinky in my hand to play with as I talk
"Why don't we start from the beginning?" Dr Jane suggests
"Well I told you about Nora last week." I tell her. "So how about I just start with recently?"
"Sounds great." Dr Jane says, picking up her pen
...the cortex...
Alarms blare in the cortex
"Why is it every time I come to visit there's always a crisis?" Kamilla asks as her and Cisco look at the computer
"Comes with the meta-territory." Cisco says. "750 mph." He says, reading the scans of the other speedster. "He's getting faster."
"Who is this guy, anyway?" Kamilla asks
"An old family friend." Cisco says. "His name's Godspeed, and he's from the future."
"He's like a fake speedster." I explain, walking in and dropping my backpack on the ground to immediately scan the computers in order to join in / help in any way I can
Another blip shows up on the screen
"What's that?" Kamilla asks
"The real deal." Cisco says, following the red blip with his eyes
"Kick his butt, Barry!" Kamilla exclaims
"Done and doner." Barry says through the comms. Barry chases Godpseed down and pins him, ripping off his mask. "Who are you and what are you doing in Central City?" Godspeed opens his mouth but all that comes out is scrambled noise. Barry turns to his comms. "He's just like the others: no language skills, just noise."
"Lovely." Cisco says
"What was that?" Kamilla asks
"The fourth Godspeed we've caught this summer and still no sign of Mr. August Heart." Cisco says. "Just another dummy who can't communicate anything beyond modem speak. All right, I'm clocking out. Why don't you drop off G at Iron Heights, Barry? I don't think we're figuring out this mystery today." Cisco turns to me as he leaves. "Barry'll be back in a few."
"And how is your relationship with your father as you are dealing with everything?" Dr Jane asks, looking up from her notebook. "Losing someone is never easy but you and your family have incredibly different circumstances. Has your relationship with your father changed much?"
"Definitely." I tell her. "He's basically got me bubble wrapped."
Barry speeds in the cortex and skids to a stop in the middle. He looks around and pulls his mask down as his eyes land on me
"Hey, sweetie." Barry says with a smile. "Ready to go?"
I cross my arms over my chest
"What?" Barry asks
"You didn't take me out on the mission." I tell him. "Again."
"You...you were at school." Barry says
"I homeschool over 80% of the time." I tell him, reminding him of the new arrangement with the school. "You could have come and gotten me."

Rocky Raymond //Book Six// - COMPLETED
FanfictionMacKenzie Raymond is back for season 6 of The Flash **I DO NOT own The Flash, only my character**