Chapter 27 - A Girl Named Sue

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MacKenzie's POV

"John owns that warehouse." Sue says as the three of us sit in the car, me in the backseat. "That's where the deal will go down."

Ralph and Sue reach for the doors. "Where are you going?" Ralph asks

"I'm going with you." Sue tells him

"No, no, no, no, no." Ralph says

"Oh, look, I get it." Sue says. "Chivalry's your brand."

"You're an MIT grad, speak six languages, and you play polo." Ralph tells her. "You belong in a country club, not in the field."

"You belong in the 19th Century with your Victorian, save-the-damsel-in-distress crap." Sue scoffs

"I belong in the field." I speak up from the back seat, raising my not broken hand

"We already talked about this." Ralph reminds me

"I know." I say with a shrug, putting my hand down into my lap. "I just haven't said anything in a while. Thought you'd want my input." I shrug again

"Anyway, Loring doesn't know that I'm coming, so I have the element of surprise." Ralph tells Sue. "You, on the other hand, he might kinda know that you're coming. Translation: stay in the car, please." He pulls something out of his jacket pocket. "Here, I have a deck of cards." He says, tossing it to Sue before leaving

Sue turns in her seat and looks at me. "You wanna play uno?" She questions, holdin gup the cards

"Sure." I say and she starts to deal out the cards. But then we hear fighting. "I think you should probably go help him." I tell her

"Yeah, I think you're right." Sue says before leaving the car and rushing off to help Ralph


Ralph brings over a hot chocolate for me in Jitters as the three of us sit on the couches in the back of the room. "So you mind telling me how you know martial arts?" Ralph asks Sue

"My parents sent me to Kyoto for a summer." Sue says. "Trained with a blind sensei. Taught me everything I know."

"Really?" Ralph asks

"No." Sue says. "I trained with a guy named Frank at a YMCA." Ralph continues to look around the room. "Will you relax? We're safe here. John's not stupid. Killing me in a public place? Uh-uh, it's not gonna happen."

"I'm sorry, I believe he blew up an apartment to get to you." Ralph sasy

"That building was scheduled for demolition next month." Sue says. "But he does know that someone's after him now. It'll make him harder to get to. Thanks to you." She stands

"Where are you going?" Ralph asks

"Sorry, Slick." Sue tells him. "I can't partner up with someone who doesn't think I can pull my own weight. I'll take the girl though, she's cool." She says, giving me a fist bump

"Hang on a second, Sue." Ralph says, going after her. "Hang on. Will you just hang on one second, please?" Sue stops. "Look, when I take a case, I see it through to the end. And this doesn't end until you're safe."

"Do you trust me, Ralph?" Sue asks

"I just met you." Ralph tells her. "But you did save my keister. Twice. And that means I owe you. And I always pay my debts."

"I'll take that as a yes." Sue says, sitting back down on the couch. "So, without those pictures..."

"We are back to square one." Ralph says as I look over Sue's shoulder to see the tablet

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