Chapter 6 - There Will Be Blood

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MacKenzie's POV

Barry, Iris, Frost, Cisco, and I sit in the lounge as Barry talks about Crisis once again. I sit in between my parents as they talk to Frost and Cisco, but I remain silent

"I wish it didn't have to be this way." Barry tells the group

"And you're okay with all of this?" Cisco asks him

"No, but...I have to accept that there are still others out there that we can save." Barry says

"Yeah, guys, look, six weeks from now, all of our lives are gonna be on the line, so we have to be prepared." Iris says

"Yes, but what about him?" Cisco asks. "I'm not just gonna wait around for him to get vaporized by anti-matter. We should be doing something to try to save his life."

"You can't." Barry tells him. "You can't, Cisco. That's why I need you to stop worrying about me."

"If Barry had any other option, we'd be doing it." Frost says. "I think you gotta get behind this." She tells Cisco

"Yeah. I am." Cisco says, walking out of the room

"How do you convince your best friend not to save your life?" Barry whispers

"You're the teacher." Frost tells him. "You'll find a way."

Barry's phone buzzes and he grabs it. "Well, he's gonna have to wait. It's CCPD." Barry leaves the lounge


"Here's the thing." Cisco tells Barry in the lounge. Barry had just told him about his plan to cure Ramsey while I have been doing my homework on the couches. "We've done some insane things at S.T.A.R. Labs over the last few years, but curing a rare blood cancer, that is beyond our resources."

"So we just shouldn't try?" Barry asks

"So we try and somehow succeed, are we supposed to spend the rest of your time here trying to save everyone who's been diagnosed with cancer?" Cisco says hypothetically

"We start with one man." Barry tells him

"Look, you heard what Caitlin said about Ramsey." Barry says and I put my pencil down, listening. "He's one of the most brilliant doctors on the planet. I need you to back me on this. You'll understand soon enough. Look, what would it take to cure HLH?"

"Honestly an act of God." Cisco says

A thud is heard over to the side and I look over to see Nash Wells had hoisted himself into the lounge. I stand up out of my seat

"Uh, dad?" I ask, taking a step away from Nash

"Hello, child I still don't know the name of." Nash greets me

"I'm not a child." I tell him

"Apologies." Nash says. "Hello, young lady I still don't know the name of." He fixes his greeting

"Stay away from her." Barry says, slightly confused upon seeing Nash while motioning with his hand for me to join him. I walk over and stand next to him as he grabs my hand

"What are you doing here?" Cisco asks

"Eavesdropping." Nash says. "An act of science can help. And I know just where to find one."

"I'm assuming this is the Wells that you were telling me about." Barry says

"Yep. Nash Wells." Nash greets Barry, walking over. "Multiversal explorer and provider of scientific miracles. You, I'm guessing, are Barry Allen, the Flash."

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