Chapter 35 - Liberation

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MacKenzie's POV

"So we built a machine powerful enough to big-bang a new Speed Force into existence based solely on the teachings of history's most evil Speedster." Ralph sums up in the speedlab. Cisco stands at the computer, ready to activate the machine. I stand at the machine, making sure everything is in place and correct and Barry stands a little behind me, watching. "Are we sure we wanna hit this switch?" Ralph questions

We look over at Barry. "Do it." Barry says. His eyes land on me and he motions for me to stand with him, which I do

Cisco turns the machine on once I'm out of the way. The machine powers up and buzzes, the energy swirling within it. Cisco's coffee begins to float. And then, the computer beeps

"Uh, what's happening?" Cisco asks as the machine stops and powers down completely. "It didn't work." He whispers

"How is that possible..." I whisper, walking over to the machine

"Guys, you in there?" Cecile asks, knocking on the door. Cisco opens the door and she walks in. "Hey. Sorry to interrupt... oh. How'd the machine test go?"

"Well, it didn't." Ralph says. "That's the problem."

"How did Thawne manage to build a Speed Force machine on his own without a journal to guide him, but all the brainpower in S.T.A.R. labs can't even get this thing to work." Cisco questions. "It's like we built a 12-ton paper weight."

"Okay, okay, but hey! Maybe getting out of here for a minute might clear your heads." Cecile suggests. "I, myself, was on my way over to The Citizen right now. Does anybody... Barry... wanna come with me?" She asks

"No." Barry declines. "Look. Every day that the machine is off is another day I can't protect this city. I have to keep working." He turns to leave

"Barry, wait." Cecile says and he stops. "Are you sure you don't wanna see Iris?" She asks and I look over. He shakes his head. "Can I tell her anything for you?"

"Tell her I miss her." Barry says before leaving. I watch him go before I focus back on the machine

"MacKenzie?" Cecile asks. I look over at her. "Do you wanna see Iris?"

"I'm...I'm busy." I answer, gesturing to the machine

"Come on, sweetie, I'm sure your mom really wants to see you." Cecile says

"If that was true she wouldn't have tossed me out so quickly." I tell her with a shrug. "She obviously wants space...and I have a machine to fix." I say, looking back at the machine. Cecile sighs at her failed attempt and leaves. I swipe away a tear from my cheek


3rd Person POV

Barry is in Joe and Cecile's house. He's surrounded by boards of research and papers and notebooks. The door opens but slams to a stop on something, opening only a crack

"Bar?" Cecile asks. "Hey. There's something blocking the door."

"Yeah, um..." Barry stammers

"I thought you were still at the Speed Lab." Cecile says while Barry begins to move boxes from in front of the door

"Uh..." Barry stammers

"Hey, Barry?" Cecile asks

"Hold on." Barry tells her

"Why can't I get inside my own house?" Cecile questions

"Sorry. Hold on." Barry says, moving another box. "One second." And the door is able to open fully as the last box is moved

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