So Kaitlynn lives in LA with her friends Jenna, Hayden, and Corbyn along with the why don't we boys. Now she has had a crush on Corbyn for a long time but then she ends up together and she ends up getting pregnant by him at 19 years old.
Hi my name is Kaitlyn and I'm 19 and live in LA this guy named Corbyn and I have been friends with each other for a year and a half and I've had a crush on him for a long time but I never knew of he felt the same way, Corbyn is a member of a band called why don't we and I love listening to their songs. I always get excited when Corbyn tells me about any new songs or albums coming up because I could just listen to why don't we music for hours and not get bored and of course that reason is that I have a crush on Corbyn and today Corbyn and I are going to hang out which I'm excited about so I decided to get ready I decided to wear this outfit for today
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After I got done getting dressed I got everything else ready, locked my room door and told Jenna (my roommate and my bestfriend) that I was going out K: hey Jenna I'm going to go hangout with Corbyn J: are you going to confess your feelings to him soon K: I don't know if I am J: I mean I see the way he looks at you when your with him at our place and I can tell he's into you K: omg Jenna J: what I'm just saying you should try to shoot your shot soon K: yeah your right but I'll see you later J: have fun I got into my car and put on some why don't we music and drove 10 minutes to Corbyn's house. As I got out I walked up to the door and knocked and soon enough I was greeted by Corbyn at the door C: hey Jenna K: Hey Corbyn C: come inside We then hugged at the door and I went into the house, I then got onto his couch and let me tell you it was so nice I swear if him and I become a couple one day this is definitely gonna one of the places to cuddle him on besides the bed lol C: so what's up, anything new K: no not really, I rearranged the house last week C: that's cool, are you still living with that roommate K: yep I'm still living with Jenna but soon Hayden might move in (Jenna's bf) so that's why we had to rearrange the house a bit C: that's nice K: Anything new with you? C: well the band and I got done recording and will probably be having our new song out in 4 weeks K: that's exciting I can't wait to listen to it C: I'm glad to have a friend like you who is always ready for any new music K: welp I love hearing the beauty that you guys put in Corbyn just smiled and blushed a bit later then we decided to have a little movie night and I texted Jenna to let her know
Me: Hey Jenna I may be home late or something like that because Corbyn and I are going to have a little movie night Jenna #1 BFF 💕: ooooooh ok have fun 😉 Me: omg Jenna and yes I'll have fun there 😂😂 Jenna #1 BFF 💕: ok lmao but Hayden is coming over so I'll have some company ttyl Me: ok ttyl I mean atleast Jenna won't be alone at home since her boyfriend was coming over. Me and Corbyn put on the purge and we started watching it but after almost an hour I ended up falling asleep Corbyn's POV: we were watching the purge because both Kaitlyn and I love watching horror or thriller like movies and after the movie ended I then realized that she had fallen asleep gosh she looked so beautiful I decided to carry her up to the guest bedroom since it would be better then sleeping on the couch, I gently picked her up and brought her there then layed her down and got her under the covers "Goodnight Kate" I whispered to her(kate is her nickname) oh my gosh she looks so beautiful if she was my girlfriend I would have kissed her forehead and cuddled up with her but maybe she will be mine one day you never know End of Corbyn's POV Next morning** I woke up and realized that I had fallen asleep during the movie but little did I know I actually ended in the guest bedroom Corbyn probably placed me there while I was sleeping I then decided to go downstairs and then I heard Corbyn talking to Jonah on the phone C: she looked so beautiful when she was sleeping gosh I just wished that I could have kissed her forehead, told her goodnight, and cuddle up with her and fall asleep with her J: just shoot your shot already I can tell she likes you too C: I know I just like want to go up to her and ask her to be my girlfriend but then I get so nervous J: look maybe when your ready go up to her and tell her how much you want her and just ask her to be your girlfriend but listen if she doesn't want you then she's not the one for you and I doubt she would say no C: ok I'll probably try to shoot my shot with her soon I just need to find a time to do so J: welp goodluck when you actually do C: ok welp gotta hang up now goodbye And with that they ended the call I was so shocked to hear that Corbyn liked me too I then waited a few minutes and went downstairs K: good morning Corbyn C: good morning Kate, did you sleep good K: yes I did, I didn't even realize that i fell asleep her C: it's fine do you want to stay and have some breakfast? K: sure why not