So Kaitlynn lives in LA with her friends Jenna, Hayden, and Corbyn along with the why don't we boys. Now she has had a crush on Corbyn for a long time but then she ends up together and she ends up getting pregnant by him at 19 years old.
A month after Corbyn and I had found out we were expecting we went to a doctor's appointment to see how far I am in the pregnancy, so we got ready for the appointment and we went into the car and drove to the doctor's office. We waited 10 minutes in the waiting room before we were called in and then the nurse took us to the room we then waited for some time and then the doctor came in and examined me D: ok so I will need you to lay down and I will put this on your stomach then we can see the baby J: ok I then layed down on the bed and lifted my shirt and then Corbyn held my hand tight D: it looks like you are 8 weeks pregnant and your baby should be due on January 23rd K: sounds great D: I'll have you guys come in 2 weeks to see when you guys would be able to find out the gender but for now just take it easy C: ok thank you D: I will see you guys at the next appointment And with that Corbyn and I left and went back to my place and I saw that Hayden and Jenna were getting their baby's nursery done C: hey baby can I ask you something K: sure what's up Cr: I was like thinking about us moving in together since we are having a baby together and I just don't know what arrangements I have for right now K: it's fine babe and don't worry we'll work something out C: thanks for understanding K: I love you C: I love you too my love Corbyn and I then shared a kiss on the lips and ate some dinner that Hayden had made earlier and then he decided to go help Hayden and Jenna with the nursery before going home and then I decided to make a pregnancy announcement on Instagram
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@kaitlynn.brooke: Corbyn and I are excited to announce that we are expecting, Baby Besson coming soon ❤ 794,634 likes 345,800 comments After that I sent Corbyn a little goodnight text and went to sleep but as I was sleeping in the middle of the night I heard my phone ringing and me being half asleep I had hung up and tried to go back to sleep and then I received a text and what do I know it was my dad for a little background information my dad was never easy on me and my family he actually left abandoned me when I had a bad injury because I had fallen off a dirt bike into the ground and had so many injuries due to the bike falling on me but anyways I ended up going to the hospital and my family was notified thanks to the women who had lived on the street it happened on who was nice enough to call an ambulance and let me call my mom through her phone but then after me being in the hospital and being examined so much my dad just gave up and left and here he is now trying to reconnect to me 5 years later when I am actually at my best with a great boyfriend, best roommate and friend, and bringing a baby into this world ???: hey babygirl, it's me your father. I heard about your great life and I want to say congrats I decided to ignore it and I would just probably talk to my mom about it since tomorrow would be our monthly video chat but honestly I don't think I even want to have my dad around because he abandoned me at my lowest and he just probably now wants to be in my life since it is so great and I also think about what if I want him in the delivery room with me giving birth and he ends up not showing up but you know I decided to just ignore my father's text message and just go to sleep cause like my doctor said that I should not stressing to much and I went back to sleep the next morning I got up and got ready for work and I was just talking to my work friend and we were just talking about our live at the moment and I mentioned about my dad reaching out after abandoning me and my family when I was 14 and severely injured and she agreed about how that was really messed up and I agree. If I am honest I mean that was where I had met Jenna because let's just say the nice women who helped me was her mom and she had went and checked up on me after the accident and we have been friends ever since and her and I ended up going to high school with Jenna and we were inseparable ever since. Anyways after I got done with my shift I went back home and showered after I got out of the shower I facetimed Corbyn for some time gosh I just loved listening to his voice talking to me and after an hour of talking with him he had to go and then I decided to get on facetime with my mom and catch up with her Word count: 893