part 19

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It has been 2 weeks since Corbyn has left and he is coming home tomorrow so today I decided to get some things organized since Hayden and Jenna are leaving for Texas day after tomorrow so I was just cleaning my counters doing my laundry and also starting a load of laundry for Hayden and Jenna, after I got done doing my load of laundry for Hayden and Jenna I relaxed a bit on my phone and then Jenna came in and told me she had a surprise for me
J: hey girl
K: hey
J: I've got a surprise for you
K: you do?
J: yep follow me
I then got up from my bed and then she came behind me and covered my eyes and walked me down the stairs then lead me somewhere I don't know where
J: ok 3,2,1 open your eyes
I then opened my eyes and in front of me was him, Corbyn was standing right in front of me I was so shocked
K: oh my God
C: did you miss me
K: yes
We then came in for a long kiss and then Jenna decided to take my phone and swipe to my camera and take a picture
K: wait Jenna you knew he was back
J: yep I did and I planned this surprise so your welcome
K: your the best Jenna
And then Jenna and I hugged
C: yeah I decided to fly back home but if I went on the tour bus I would have been home tomorrow
K: well I am glad I am finally reunited with the love of my life
After some time I relaxed with him and then I decided to post the picture that Jenna took if us to Instagram



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@kaitlynn.brooke: finally reunited with the love of my life @corbynbesson
394,769 likes 201,762 comments
(A/n sorry if I use too much black and white filter like pictures I just personally love photos with those filters 😁) back to story....
After I posted to my sock media I then layed in bed with Corbyn and he told me he got me something while on tour and he showed me what he had gotten me. It turned out he got me a beautiful ring and told me that this was a ring to show how much I mean to him so pretty much a promise ring and then he also got me a cute stuffed animal and he had also got a little teddy bear for our baby
K: oh my God Corbyn this is so sweet
I then felt a tear of joy fall down my cheek and he then wiped my tears dry and gave me a kiss
C: I love you Kaitlynn
K: I love you too
He then had me lay down and then he went and kissed my belly and talked to the baby
C: hey little baby Besson daddy is finally back and now I can talk to you in your mommy's belly, I love you
K: your really going to be a great dad
C: I've kind of been thinking of some names
K: you have, I want to hear them
C: well for a girl I was thinking names like Amelia, Autum, or Julie and for a boy I was thinking Anthony, Isaiah, or Dylan.
K: I think Autum is a beautiful name if have a girl
C: you do
K: yep and I think the name Dylan is great if we have a boy
C: I'm glad you actually agree
K: yep bit do you want to know the middle names I think would be great
C: sure you can choose the middle name
K: so for a girl I was thinking the middle name could be rose and for a boy Matthew
C: so the same middle name as me? I like it and I also like the middle name rose
K: well we officially have our names picked out we just need to know the gender which we will have our appointment in 3 days to see when we can know the gender
C: yep I'm glad you decided to move the appointment
K: of course I wasn't going to let you miss it even though it's not an actual gender reveal I'd still want you there
C: I love you baby
K: I love you too
And with that I turned off my light and Corbyn and I went to sleep and cuddled

This one is a short story for today

Word count: 762

Pregnant By Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now