part 30

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Jenna's POV*
A few hours after Corbyn and Kaitlynn left I decided to go to sleep after a long day and with that I nursed my baby and changed his diaper and put him in his sleeper and mittens then Hayden put him to sleep and went next to me and cuddled up with me and we went to sleep
**The next day
It was the next morning and it was about time for us to bring home our baby but first we were going to stop by Hayden's dad's place so his stepmom,dad, Grace, Sloane, Logan, and Jason could meet their new nephew, we first got our things together and then waited for the nurse
N: ok you guys are free to go just let me get the wheelchair for mom
J: ok sounds good
After 5 minutes the nurse came up with the wheelchair and I got on while holding my baby and then we went around the hospital and got to our car then got Angel into his carseat and I decided to take a cute photo of him

The photo

And with that me and Hayden left the hospital and drove to his dads house

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And with that me and Hayden left the hospital and drove to his dads house. Within 10 minutes we got to his dads place and I put a breathable blanket over the carseat to surprise everyone else besides Rachel because she has already seen him when I gave birth.
J: heyy
S: is he here?!
L: what does he look like?!
G: please can we see him now
Jason: time for the reveal
And with that I put the carseat down and uncovered it
G: oh my goodness
S: he's so adorable
L: aww
Jacob: he looks alot like Hayden
L: Hayden and Jenna can we please hold him
H: yes you can but you guys have to wash your hands first before
And with that the kids went to go wash their hands and soon Chris (Hayden's dad) and Emily (Hayden's stepmom) gathered around the baby
E: oh my God he's a piece of heaven and Handsome
C: my first grandchild is finally here
After the kids came back and sat on the couch and I handed Angel to Jason, then after Jason came Grace, then Sloane, and then Logan until he started crying because he was hungry so I got my cover and fed him. After Rachel said she had something to tell her kids.
R: kids I have something I need to share
H: what is it mum
G: what
And then she looked over at Sloane and Logan
R: Sloane, Logan your dad and I are getting a divorce

L: WHY?!
R: it's true Sloane and as you girls know that me and your dad has been having problems with arguing and stuff
L: will we still see him
R: yes I'm not going to take you guys away from him
S: where will we go
R: well a few days after we get back your dad and I will have to go to court to finalize the divorce but I did talk to Stephanie about having you guys stay at her place for some time while we have it figured out
S: ok mom
With that we had dinner over at Hayden's dad's and after that Hayden and I got our things and got in our car and went back home and soon pulled up
J: heyyy guess who's home
K: oh my goodness finally
H: we went to my dads place to have dinner and for my siblings to meet our new baby
*End of Jenna's POV
Your POV
After a long day Jenna and Hayden came home from being at Haydens dad's place and jenna had went upstairs to try and put her baby to sleep and after 10 minutes she came down to chill with us while she watched the baby monitor
K: so how is it like being a new mom
J: kind of tiring because there will be certain time periods where your baby will start crying in the middle of the night and you have to get up and rather change them or feed them then you have to put them back down
K: damn well luckily I have 13 more weeks left til I have to do that
J: that's fair

Word count: 726

Pregnant By Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now