Cortlynn/ happy ending

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3 years later

It has been 3 years now and Corbyn and I are now happily married, we got married last summer but now I am 9 months pregnant with our second child



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@kaitlynn.brooke: finally 9 months can't wait for our baby girl to be here  💕
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1 week later
As I was getting out of the shower and drying myself up I had gotten on my pajamas as I felt some water going down my leg and at the moment I knew what time it was

C: what's wrong baby
K: my water broke we need to go to the hospital
C: oh my gosh ok let me try and call one of the boys to watch Autumn

Corbyn's POV
I was playing with Autumn when I heard my wife yelling my name
C: hold on princess daddy has to go check on mommy
I then went to my room to Kaitlynn where she had told me her water broke and I told her I would go call up the boys, I then called the gc
C: hey guys Kaitlynn is going into labor and i need one of you guys to watch Autumn
Jack: i will since i have lavender with me and she can play with Autumn
C: ok thank you jack
End of POV
Your POV
Corbyn called Jack to watch Autumn while we go to the hospital, we drove to Jack's house first to drop off Autumn and then we drove to the hospital to check in and got into our rooms but as soon as the nurse check me for how many centimeters I was already at 10 centimeters so that meant I would have to start pushing and I wouldn't be able to have an epidural
C: it's going to be okay my love I am going to be by your side holding your hand this whole time
K: okay babe
And with that Corbyn kissed my forehead and the doctors came in and I started pushing
K: aghhhh
D: your doing great
K: mmmm ahhhhhh
C: it's okay baby I am right here keep going
K: aaaahhh
D: ok take a breath
And with that I took a quick breather and went back at it
K: ughhhh ahhh
At that point I gripped onto Corbyn's hand more tight then I was
D: ok here comes the head
K: arghhh Corbyn we are definitely not having another kid after this one
And after I said that Corbyn just let out a small chuckle knowing this was just me having hormones from pushing
K: ahhhhhh
C: come on baby you got this push for me
K: ugh aghhhh
D: ok one more push Kaitlynn and she will be out
And with that I let out one more big push and after that I heard some crying and I was out of breath
C: you did it, she's finally here
And the doctors brought her up to my chest
K: oh my gosh welcome to the world Hazel Grace Besson, I've loved you before I've met you
C: she is so beautiful like you and Autumn
With that we took some photos of our new baby



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@kaitlynn.brooke: our beautiful baby girl is finally here, Hazel Grace Besson  you are welcomed by me your mother, Corbyn your father, and your big sister Autumn


@corbynbesson: she is finally here, welcome to the world Hazel Grace Besson

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@corbynbesson: she is finally here, welcome to the world Hazel Grace Besson. Mommy, Daddy, and your big sister Autumn are happy to have you in this world 💕

After we had to stay the night at the hospital and it was the next day where the boys would bring Autumn to meet her new little sister
C: hi sweetie
A: wheres sissy
C: she is right here with mommy
K: hi Autumn
A: mommy sissy
K: well here she is
And with that we showed Autumn her new sister and she was over the moon



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@kaitlynn.brooke: Autumn finally meeting her new little sister, she is really over the moon for her new sister

After that each of the boys held the baby and they really adored her, after that we got our stuff together because we knew soon that the nurse would discharge us from the hospital

Word count: 720

Pregnant By Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now