part 21

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End of POV
*your POV
Today I was going to the doctor's as I am 12 weeks and 4 days. Corbyn and I headed into the car and drove to the doctor's office and got ourselves checked in. We waited until we were called in and the did my ultrasound
D: so it looks like you guys should find out at 17 weeks which will be next month
C: alright awesome
D: but before I'll have you guys go in for a few more ultrasounds and heartbeats
K: ok
We then got discharged from the room and went back into the car
C: so baby for our gender reveal I was thinking maybe we can have Jenna go to our appointment so she can find out the gender just like what you did for her gender reveal
K: yeah but I wanted to know what you were wanting to do for our gender reveal
C: I was thinking maybe we could pop a balloon and have it filled with the confetti
K: that sounds like a great idea
Corbyn then took my hand and kissed it, I then felt my face blush
C: hey babe do you possibly want to go to a drive in movie
K: yes I would love to
C: okay baby we will go around 7:30 and we can stop by and get some snacks if you want
K: ok and I will work on decorating the back of the car
C: ok baby
After that we went back to my place and I had decorated the back of the car and this is how it turned out 

And after Corbyn got back with our snacks and stuff we went to the drive in theater and we parked and got in the back and layed down in there and watched the movie.

*Corbyns POV
I was going on a date with my girlfriend to the drive in movie. After our appointment we had went back to her place and I went to the store and got some snacks for us and she decided to decorate her car, when I got back the car looked really nice and  we waited for sometime and got ready then we drove there. We then found a place to park and then we got into our backseat and waited for the movie to start. The movie then started and Kaitlynn took some snacks and ate some and then we cuddled up with each other.
*after 4 hours
After a few hours of watching multiple movies it was 11:53 pm so that meant that it would almost be midnight and Kaitlynn was getting tired so her and we decided to head back to my place, so we went to the front of the car and drove off
End of POV
Your POV
After a lot of hours of watching multiple movies it was getting close to midnight so Corbyn and I decided to head back to his place and we drove off we then arrived to his house and we saw Jonah, Jack, Daniel, and Zack playing games in the living room from the front window but as I was about to get out of the car Corbyn then carried me bridal style to his bedroom
J: oh hey guys
Z: hey Corbyn want to play with us?
C: nah I'm good I'm going to be going to bed with my beautiful girlfriend
I then smiled at his comment
D: but what if she falls asleep first and your still awake then will you play
Jack: oh come on guys just let the 2 be
Z: ok fine
And then next thing I know I was being brought upstairs to his room and he layed me down on his bed and I then decided to go into the bathroom and take off my clothing and wear one of Corbyn's t-shirts to bed and went in bed with him and cuddled up with him and then I felt myself about to fall asleep in his arms
C: good night my love
And he then moves me for a second to kiss my belly and tell the baby goodnight
I then smiled and fell asleep in his arms as he kissed my head and fell asleep with me

Pregnant By Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now