part 3

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It was the next day, Jenna and I were getting ready to go to the mall. We hopped into my car and drove to the mall as we got there we decided to get some boba because we never leave a mall trip without getting boba. We went to rue21 and got some cute clothes 

Your clothing

Your clothing

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Jenna's clothing

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Jenna's clothing

Jenna's clothing

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We then posted a picture of us on Instagram @kaitlynn

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We then posted a picture of us on Instagram


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@kaitlynn.brooke: mall date with bae @its_jennalynn
its_jennalynn: we so cute
corbynbesson:you guys are the best duo
its.hayden_: that's my girl and her best friend ❤
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J:this mall trip is really fun
K: I know right this is the best time I've had with for the first time in a while
J: I can't wait until we have kids because they might grow up to close like us and maybe they'll do fun mall trips
K: that would be so cute
J: yeah it is
We shopped for about 30 more minutes and then we decided to go home and relax. After we got home I then remembered to tell Jenna about what Corbyn asked me yesterday
K:oh yeah Jenna I have something to tell you
J: what's up
K: so basically yesterday as I got out of the shower and dried up Corbyn called and asked about my schedule this week and I told him that today I would be going out with you, tomorrow I have work, and how I would probably be available day after tomorrow so I think he's planning to do something with me
J: oh my goodness this might be the moment when Cortlynn becomes official
K: Cortlynn?
J: that's gonna your ship name with him
K: I like it
J: but now your just telling me?!
K: I mean I would have told you yesterday but you were busy having sex with Hayden
J: ok that's fair enough
K: I'm just really excited to see what will happen on Friday
J: I'll pray for you
K: oh my God
J: your welcome

Sorry this part is kind of short but hopefully you guys are enjoying this story so far
Word count: 360

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