part 9

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1 month later
Jenna's POV: today I was marked as 12 weeks pregnant and I found out that I will be finding out the gender of my baby in 3 weeks, which I was excited for. After that Hayden and I got back into our car
J: I can't believe that we are soon going to find out our baby's gender
H: I'm really excited
J: what do you think we are going to have
H: I am hoping for a boy but I don't care as long as we have a healthy baby
J: I want a boy too but if we have a girl that will be fine as long as our baby is healthy
H: I love you
J: I love you too
End of POV
It has been a month since Corbyn and I have been dating and today we were at his house and watching TV on his couch, I had my head laying down on his lap while he was playing with my hair and what happened next shocked me
C: I love you Kaitlynn
K: Corbyn, I love you too
C: we finally said it
K: yep
We then shared a kiss and continued to cuddle with each other I then got a text from Jenna

Jenna #1 BFF 💕: hey girl
Me: heyyyy
Jenna #1 BFF 💕: so what's up?
Me: well Corbyn and I finally said I love you
Me: thank you lol
Jenna #1 BFF 💕: no problem and I also have some news
Me: ok what's up?
Jenna #1 BFF 💕: so basically Hayden and I went to our 12 week appointment and we found out that in 3 weeks we will find out the baby's gender and I wanted to know for when that appointment comes up if you would like to come and have the doctor tell you the gender since your helping to plan our gender reveal
Me: yeah I would love to
Jenna #1 BFF 💕: great!
Me: well I gtg now ttyl
Jenna #1 BFF 💕: ok ttyl
After that Corbyn and I cuddled on his couch for another 30 minutes until he had to go to his studio so I decided to go home and run some errands since I'm helping with the gender reveal I would need to get some decorations. I then got home, our house is a bit rearranged because Hayden moved in to our home so now the room is a bit different, so I still have my own room ofc but I decided to do some arrangements as well and now Hayden and Jenna share their bedroom in the room that Jenna had

Hayden&Jenna's room

Kaitlynn's room

After I got the decorations for the gender reveal party which will be in 4 weeks I put the decorations I bought into my closet and left my room and locked my door then went out and got some food and some other things and went back home, o then put my groceries away then went upstairs and layed down on my bed and watched TV for a bit and then Jenna and Hayden came back
J: Kaitlynn I'm home
K: ok I'm up in my room
I then went downstairs and greeted them, we then chilled in the living room and then I got a text from Corbyn

Husband 💍❤: hey baby
Me: hey
Husband 💍❤: how are you doing my love
Me: I'm doing good, what about you
Husband 💍❤: I'm doing great and I'm glad to hear your doing good
Me: I love you so much
Husband 💍❤: I love you more baby
Me: you literally make me the happiest
Husband 💍❤: hey do you want me to come over tomorrow
Me: yes bebe
Husband 💍❤: ok betttt
We then finished our text conversation and I went into my room and took a quick bath and then after I got dressed into my pajamas

Your pajamas

After I got done with changing into my clothes I then ate some dinner, and then after i was done i did the dishes and then went upstairs to my bathroom and then I put my hair up and brushed my teeth, removed any makeup, washed my face, and then I left the bathroom and went to make my bed after that I sent a goodnight text to Corbyn and went to bed

A/n hey guys I'm back sorry I was gone for a bit I was grounded and had my phone taken away but I am back now
Word Count: 772

Pregnant By Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now