part 29

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*still Jenna's POV
I had given birth to my baby boy and I couldn't believe it he was so beautiful and looked alot like Hayden and my mom went back to the hotel to let me have some space and so did Rachel
Nurse (N)
N: hey do you want to try nursing
J: yes please
N: ok here you go
And with that I held him up to my breast and fed him for a bit, after I got done feeding him I started to feel a bit tired and Hayden started to notice
H: hey baby do you want me to take care of Angel while you sleep
J: yes please
End of POV
Your POV
As I said earlier Corbyn and I decided to go out today and as we were out I got a facetime call from Jenna and when I answered I realized her background was a hospital room
K: omg are you in labor?!
J: was, I had just given birth
She then turned her phone to Hayden who was next to her and holding the baby
K: omg he's so adorable he looks like Hayden
J: I know
And then Corbyn wanted to see
C: aww he is so cute
K: congrats on this little cutie patootie
J: thx guys
K: we will visit as soon as we can
J: ok bye
K: bye
And with that we hung up our call and continued with our day and soon we went back home for a bit to help Rachel move her bags to Hayden's dads house since now they would be staying there since Jenna had the baby and then we got ready to go to the hospital and we went into the car and went. We soon pulled up to the hospital and went to the front desk and checked ourselves in
K: hi we are here to see Jenna Harris
And with that we got ourselves checked in and she told us the way to the maternity unit and we walked in and saw Jenna's room number (we let them know we were visiting in advance)
K: heyyy
J: oh my goodness you made it
K: where's the cute little man and with that we saw him in his little bed
K: aww oh my goodness
J: do you guys want to hold him
K: of course duh
And with that jenna handed over her new baby to me and I held him
K: hi little cutie
And with in 5 minutes I gave the baby to Corbyn
J: omg let me tell you the birth was extremely painful
K: yep I can't imagine it yet
J: no cause when we got settled in here they checked me and I was already at 10 centimeters and I couldn't have an epidural but it was worth it when I got to hold sweet little baby Angel
K: gosh I hope that doesn't happen to me when I have my baby girl
And then the nurse had came into the room
N: okay Jenna it looks like you are going to have to stay for a night since it is your first baby
J: ok is it fine for my boyfriend to stay here
N: yes it is 100% fine
J: okay thank you
Then she left the room
K: at least you'll be discharged tomorrow
J: yep
After 30 minutes Corbyn and I had went back to our place and layed down on the bed and I put my head on his chest
C: today has been the craziest
K: i know it has
C: wanna watch some stranger things
K: sure but let me go to the bathroom real quick
I went into the bathroom and then I decided to take a bump update picture in the mirror



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@kaitlynn.brooke: 27 weeks and almost at the 3rd trimester can't believe we are almost close see you soon baby girl 💖
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After that I went to the bed and layed down and watched some stranger things with Corbyn

Word count: 687

Pregnant By Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now