So Kaitlynn lives in LA with her friends Jenna, Hayden, and Corbyn along with the why don't we boys. Now she has had a crush on Corbyn for a long time but then she ends up together and she ends up getting pregnant by him at 19 years old.
I drove back home and layed in bed and cuddled with the teddy bear that Corbyn got for me gosh I just missed Corbyn already, but I knew now that we were a couple I can now see him more than I have back when we were friends. I then heard my phone ringing and it was a face time call from Corbyn and we talked to each other on facetime for hours and he decided to sing to me "what am I" which was one of the songs from his band, gosh I just really loved his voice it was so great. Eventually my phone was almost dead after 3 hours of talking to him I then had to go hang up and then after I got my phone on the charger. While my phone was charging I decided to go take shower, while I was in the shower I just kept thinking about Corbyn I just wished he was in the shower with me but maybe he will be soon. After I got out of the shower I decided to post Corbyn and I on my Instagram
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kaitlynn.brooke: my love❤💍 @corbynbesson 4,567 likes and 2,398 comments corbyn.fanpage: awww this is adorable its.jennalynn: CORTLYNN 4LIFE its.hayden_: couple goals corbynbesson: you make me the happiest guy 🥺 seavydaniel: aww congrats ❤ jackaverymusic: you guys are so cute jonahmarais: YESS my man is all grown zachherron: I'm happy for you guys After that I decided to facetime Corbyn again and it was really great he sang some songs to me I just loved his voice so much, I loved talking to him on facetime C: hey Kaitlynn I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date night tomorrow K: YES I WOULD LOVE TOO C: bet can't wait baby K:me too babe C: how did i get so lucky to have you as my girlfriend K: and how did I get lucky to have you as my boyfriend After that I decided to make some lunch (which was mac and cheese) and then I decided to ask Jenna what she would want K: hey Jenna is there anything you want for lunch J: what are you making K: well I'm planning on mac and cheese but I wanted to see what you wanted me to make J: well I'll have some mac and cheese too but with some hot dogs and add a side of pickles K: ok I will I went downstairs to the kitchen to make lunch and plus it didn't shock me that she wanted some pickles too because of how she's pregnant and all. After I got done making lunch I brought Jenna her food then after that I took my dish and brought mine to my room and ate my food. I then got pretty bored so I decided to put my TV on and listen to why don't we songs cause why not, as I was listening to their songs I couldn't stop admiring Corbyn's cute face Corbyn's POV I felt so happy that I have a date with Kaitlynn tomorrow night, I am really in love with this girl. I then went and got ready for bed, I first took a shower, brushed my teeth, and then after I got into my bed and went to sleep for the next morning Next morning I woke up and decided to get myself ready, I first went downstairs where Jonah was sitting on the couch playing his video games (a/n Jonah and Corbyn are roommates) J: good morning C: good morning J: are you excited for your date tonight C: yeah I really am J: hey after you guys have your date night tell me how it goes C: ok I will After i made my breakfast and ate i then decided to text Kaitlynn Me: goodmorning baby My love 😘💍: goodmorning corby Me: did you sleep good? My love 😘💍: yes I did, I can't wait to see you tonight Me: me too baby 😘 My love 😘💍: I'm really excited Me: I bet you are My love 😘💍: well I need to get ready now I'll see you tonight babe Me: ok babygirl see ya ❤ End of POV Word count: 715