part 24

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Jenna's POV
Hayden and I drove to the ER and they looked at the baby in an ultrasound to see if he was ok
D: ok so it looks like the baby is ok I still hear a heartbeat but from now on Ms. Hollins try to take it easy
J: ok thank you
And with that Hayden and I were free to leave, I was very exhausted considering that it was almost 1 am. We then drove back home and locked the door behind us and Hayden decided to have his phone flashlight light and carry me up to our room where he put me down on the bed
J: babe can you get my pregnancy pillow for me
H: yeah
He then got my pillow and gave it to me and I soon then went to sleep.
Next morning
End of Jenna's POV
I woke up and then checked my phone and saw that the baby was going to be okay and then I realized since Jenna's Baby shower was going to be in 5 days I should probably get some decorations for the baby shower and had them saved into my room. I then took a shower and then I tried to shave my legs and then I realized that my belly was starting to get in the way
K: well great
I then realized I would probably have to start taking baths and have Corbyn shave my legs for me soon lmao but I then rinsed myself off and got out of the shower and then Corbyn walked in
C: how is my beautiful baby doing
K: I am doing fine
He then hugs me from behind and plants a kiss on my cheek and I soon then smiled
C: I love seeing you smile baby
K: oh my God babe your so freaking cute
He then gets his hands to my stomach and rubs it (he's feeling the baby) and then I feel my daughter kick
C: oh it looks like my baby girl just kicked her daddy
K: looks like she did
C: hey baby Autum do you like kicking your daddy
He then put his face to my stomach and she kicked again then he kissed my stomach
C: hey little princess daddy loves you and can't wait to have to have you in my arms
I then took a little photo of Corbyn's hands feeling my stomach and posted it



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@kaitlynn.brooke: Corbyn just loves to feel our daughter kick him 🙄😂
695,811 likes 373,924 comments
📍@corbynbesson: in my defense she's a bit of a mover and I definitely know shes a daddy's girl
>@kaitlynn.brooke: your definitely going to be the best dad babe ❤❤

I then went downstairs to get something to eat and then talked with Jenna
K: hey Jenna
J: hey girl
K: so your baby is okay
J: yep he is
K:that is good news to hear
J: also this isn't any rush but when do you plan on moving rooms because Hayden wants to know in advance before his mom and sisters come to visit
K: I will probably start doing that a week after your baby shower
J: ok that sounds great and if you ever need some help your free to ask me or Hayden for help but I don't know what I will be able to do considering that I'm 29 weeks pregnant and I can't see my feet anymore
K: my bump is also starting to get in the way so I feel you
J: trust me when you get to 3rd trimester everything is going to get difficult
K: I've got an idea
J: what's up
K: you and I should do a little photoshoot together showing that we are both pregnant at the same time
J: wait that is an amazing idea
K: you like the idea?
J: yep let's do it
K: bet, but let's probably do it another day because both of us do have pretty busy schedules
J: yeah fair enough but we do need to that soon
K: ok well I think I am going to go back upstairs see ya
J: alright see you
I then decided to go back up to my room and chill with Corbyn for sometime
C: hey baby
K: hey
C: hey baby I forgot to tell you but I actually got you something while I was on tour
K: really you did
C: yep
And with that Corbyn went to his bag and got out a little box and opened it up
C: this is a ring I got for you to show you how much I love you and will always be there for you during your best and worst times, it's to show you how much I promise to love you always and forever
K: oh my God Corbyn this is so beautiful
I then started to cry of happiness and Corbyn slid the ring on me and brought me into his arms and we killed each other
C: I love you Kaitlynn Brooke McClellan
K: I love you too Corbyn Matthew Besson

Word count: 859

Pregnant By Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now