part 4

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After the conversation between Jenna and I she went upstairs to her room to do some organizing I then decided to get everything ready since I would have to get up early for work. I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth then I removed my makeup, then washed my face. After that I went into my room and made my bed, I then got a pair of pajamas and changed into them I then layed down and sent a text to Corbyn
Me: hey
Corbyn 😍💕:hey how was the mall
Me: it was fun
Corbyn 😍💕: I'm glad to hear that
Me: yeah, how was you day
Corbyn 😍💕: it was good
Me: that's good
Corbyn 😍💕: are you down to hangout day after tomorrow since you have to work tomorrow
Me: yeah i am
Corbyn 😍💕: ok bet, I'll let you get some sleep good night
Me: good night
And with that him and I ended the conversation and then I went to sleep. The next morning I heard my alarm go of and got up. I got my work clothes out and hopped into the shower, after I got out of the shower I dried of and did some makeup, and then after that I got my things ready and locked my room door. After that I hopped into my car and drove to bath and body works (that's where you work at) as I went into my work shift I restocked some of the shelves then went to cash register and waited for some customers after 2 hours of working at the cash register I decided to walk around a bit in case there were some customers who would need some help after an hour it was my lunch break and I went with my other friend Rachel to lunch, I would have went with Jenna but she also has to work today so I went with Rachel. After my lunch break I went back to my work shift and worked for another 2 hours and then my shift ended. I got into my car and drove back home and made dinner
K: hey Jenna dinner is ready
J: ok I'm coming down
K: so tomorrow I'm going out to Corbyn's house
J: you are?
K: yep
J: tell me how it goes
K: ofc I will
J: hopefully tomorrow will be the day cortlynn becomes official
K: oh my God are you aware that your getting way too excited rn
J: I know
K: but I am pretty excited though
Corbyn's POV:
I went to the store and got some stuff for tomorrow because that is when I am going to ask Kaitlynn to be my girlfriend I just needed to get some rose petals and some stuffed teddy bears and set up my room for tomorrow. After I got back from the store I set the stuff in my room closet and put the flowers in a vase to keep them good, I was so excited for tomorrow because I actually really love Kaitlynn like I can see myself having a future with her and like marrying her and possibly having kids with her
End of POV
J: well good luck tomorrow
K: thanks
J: yeah no problem, and maybe one day you guys will love each like how Hayden and I do
K: you guys are so in love
J: well we've been together since we were 17
K: yeah
J: if him and I ever split though i wouldn't fall in love again
K: i can tell that you guys are really in love
J: and there is something I do need to say
Cliffhanger sorry this is kind of short
Word count: 629

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