part 16

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I had gotten on the phone with my mom and I told her about my pregnancy and let's just say she was really happy for me and then I had went on to tell her about dad
K: mom so dad had decided to text me in the middle of the night to try to connect with me again
M: he did?
K: yes but do you know if he had reached out to Claudia, Sierra, or Tommy (my siblings)
M: no actually they have not told me if dad has reached out or not
I also forgot to mention I have 3 siblings and the order is like this
Tommy (24M)
Sierra (22F)
Me (19F)
Then Claudia (16F)
K: how are they doing
M: well Tommy and his gf got engaged recently
K: wait really
M: yep he did but they don't know when they want to have their wedding yet
K: well that's really exciting I'm happy for them
M: and Sierra has also met someone her name is Reina
My sister Sierra is Bisexual and she came out when she was like 16 but that was also something my dad didn't like either when she had came out my dad had felt like he had failed his own daughter
K: wow that is really amazing for her
M: yep and Claudia is pretty much doing normal teenager things like going out shopping with friends and she has her prom coming up soon so that should be fun.
K: yeah it should be
M: so what has been up with you
K: well as you know I am expecting a baby in January and I'm still living with Jenna and her bf has recently moved in with us.
M: well that is great I really hope you and Corbyn can come visit us soon
K: hopefully we will but as of right now we have some other things to focus on
M: ok well I need to go do some things so I'll let you go and I will talk to you later
K: ok sounds good mother love you
M: love you too
After that I got off the phone with my mom and went up to hangout with Jenna
K: hey jenna
J: oh hey kate
K: how is it going with the nursery
J: it's actually going great we have the crib in and the wall painted we just need bedding, changing table, rocking chair, and a little shelf to keep stuff like his clothes and diapers and many other things
K: that's good
J: yep and I hope I get it done before i reach 30 weeks
As of right now Jenna is 19 weeks pregnant and she already like has a little bump 
Jenna's POV
I am 19 weeks pregnant so I am almost there but me and Hayden have gotten started on our nursery and we decided to paint the walls a a very light blue color and I had already got a little bump and I decided to post a little bump picture on my Instagram

M: well that is great I really hope you and Corbyn can come visit us soon K: hopefully we will but as of right now we have some other things to focus onM: ok well I need to go do some things so I'll let you go and I will talk to you laterK: ok sou...

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@its_jennalynn: 19 weeks pregnant almost halfway there baby boy 💙
456,980 likes 389,623 comments
@its.hayden: can't wait to have him with us 💙💙
After talking with Kaitlynn for a bit I had decided to lay down in my bed and watch a movie and Hayden cuddled up with me and layed his hand on my stomach, Gosh I really love this man he really makes me happy and I am really happy that I am starting a family with him but it is going to be a long wait but it will be worth it in the end
H: hey baby I was thinking maybe we could go on a little vacation and visit my family in Texas because I haven't really seen them in a long time
J: that would actually be great since it's has been a long time
H: yeah so we'll fly out there next month and stay for a week
J: sounds good babe
I really love my boyfriends family they are like a second family to me and his mom is really nice so that was pretty exciting
End of POV
Your POV
I went into my room and just took a shower and got myself ready for bed and then I layed down on my bed I then got a phone call from Claudia my sister and so I decided to talk with her for a bit
K: hey sis
Cl: hey how are you doing
K: I am doing great
C: that's good
K: yeah did mom tell you that i am pregnant
Cl: yes she did and i am really happy for you
K: thanks
Cl: sis I got something to tell you
K: ok what's up
Cl: so I heard you talking with mom and how dad had reached out to you and I forgot to mention that did reached out to me too
K: he did?!
Cl: yes he did he was literally like asking me how I was doing and just basically wanted to try and connect with me again
K: do you know if he also tried to reach out to Tommy or Sierra
Cl: he actually tried to get a hold of Tommy by calling his fiance but she wasn't going to deal with it
K: dang
Cl: but Sierra hasn't gotten any calls or texts from dad yet
K: yeah that is pretty strange
Cl: yeah it is
K: well it was nice talking to you sister but I have to go now so I'll talk to you later
Cl: ok bye
And with that her and I hung up the phone and I sent Corbyn a goodnight text and then I went to sleep

Word count: 969

Pregnant By Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now