part 33

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Today was the my final day of work before I go on maternity leave and let's just say it was a pretty emotional day for my co workers, my co worker Ashley brought me some donuts and put a little note saying "I donut want to see you go, good luck with the baby" and I got some more great gifts from my co workers and soon it was time for me to get off of work so I said my final goodbyes to my co workers and got into my car and drove back home. "Corbyn I'm home" and with that he came up to me and hugged me
C: hey gorgeous
K: hey
C: how was work
K: pretty good but let's say my co workers were quite emotional
C: well I mean you were liked by many of them
K: yeah that's true
And with that we shared a kiss
C: oh yeah I forgot to tell you that I made plans for me,you, jenna, and Hayden to go out for dinner
K: oh ok
C: we'll leave in an hour and half so you can relax until we have to go
K: ok babe
And with that I went into my room and relaxed for a bit and then it came time for me to get ready and then we all got into Jenna's car to go to our dinner reservation and drove there but within the time we pulled in we were stopped by paparazzi and the Hollywood fix
Hf: hey Corbyn hows it going
C: it's going great
Hf: so I see that you're expecting a baby with Kaitlynn
C: yes we are and we are due in 3 weeks
Hf: ah so you guys are getting near the due date
C: yes we are
Hf: so Kaitlynn how are you handling the pregnancy
K: well at this point I am really ready to have this baby cuz let's just say it gets a bit exhausting after lunging this big belly around
Hf: got ya well enjoy your dinner
C: thank you we will
And with that the Hollywood fix had left and we went to our dinner reservation and got to our table and sat down and ate our food, after we ate we payed for our food and got up and went back into the car and drove back home. When we got back home Hayden, Jenna, Corbyn, and I decided to watch some stranger things after Jenna put her son to sleep. After she did that she went and turned on her baby monitor and we watched the show for a bit and after watching 2 or 3 episodes we heard the baby crying and then Hayden went upstairs to take care of Angel and then the rest of us got tired and went to our bedrooms to go to bed. I made my bed and layed down next to Corbyn and cuddled up with him and I felt the baby kicking.
K: do you feel that babe
C: what
K: she's kicking again
C: she is?
K: yeah she is
And with that he lifted my pajamas shirt up and put his hand over my stomach and felt the baby kick him
C: hey baby Autum we are close to finally meeting you just 3 more weeks left and then you can meet you and daddy can sing to you
I then smiled and then I remembered what I needed to tell him
K: oh Corbyn I just remembered I think we should start packing our hospital bag tomorrow
C: yeah we should
K: ok well goodnight love you
C: love you too
And with that Corbyn and I cuddled in our bed and fell asleep in each other's arms

Word count: 634

Pregnant By Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now