So Kaitlynn lives in LA with her friends Jenna, Hayden, and Corbyn along with the why don't we boys. Now she has had a crush on Corbyn for a long time but then she ends up together and she ends up getting pregnant by him at 19 years old.
*A week later Jenna's POV Today was the day of my baby shower and Kaitlynn had picked out all of the decorations and it had turned out amazing
The decorations
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And I had decided to wear this dress
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And soon the guest had arrived and we also had a little box for people to put their advice for being new parents, we had a great time and then it was time to play some games. The first game we played was guess who mommy or daddy and which Hayden's sister Grace was hosting G: ok so I am Grace and I am Hayden's sister and so I interviewed both my brother and Jenna then wrote down answers and put it on to the game everyone will get a white board and write their guess if it was Jenna or Hayden that said what are we good? Everyone then nodded thier head yes and we got to the game G: who chose baby Angels name 12 of our guest put that it was me and 8 other guests put Hayden G: the correct answer is Hayden put down 1 point G: next question: who is more nervous about labor and delivery 15 of our guest put me and 5 others said Hayden G: correct answer is: Jenna put down a point G: who cried when they first found out 18 people said Hayden and 2 said me G: correct answer is: Hayden put down a point G: who told the family first 6 people said me and 14 others said it was Hayden G: correct answer is: Hayden G: who wants more kids 3 people said me 6 others said it was Hayden and 11 others put that it was both of us G: correct answer is Both G: who asks the doctor more questions Everyone put me G: correct answer is Jenna G: which parent was born first 19 people put Hayden and 1 put me G: correct answer is Hayden G: who picked out the nursery theme 12 people put me and 8 people put Hayden G: correct answer is Jenna G: last and final question: who Hope's the baby will look just like them 13 people put Hayden and 7 people put me G: the correct answer is Hayden ok now add up all of your points Everyone added up all of their points and the winner got 15 points We then played some more games and eat. We had some fun and then cam around 7 pm and everybody had left and Kaitlynn,Corbyn,Hayden, and I helped to clean up after the party. I then went upstairs to my bathroom and took of my dress I wore and put on some comfy clothes but then I decided to take a picture in the mirror of my bump as I am now 30 weeks
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@its_jennalynn: officially 30 weeks just 8 more weeks until I get induced can't wait to see you soon baby Angel 💙💙 920,832 likes 829,939 comments
Hayden then decided to take care of me and start a bath for me as I scrolled through my social media and then I heard Hayden tell me that my bath was ready H: baby the bathtub is ready J: ok I'll be there I then walk into the bathroom and tok my clothes off and got in the bath with Hayden by my side. He first shaved my legs for me cause as you know my baby bump was in the way then after that I washed my hair and after I got done washing my hair I rinse it out and drained the bath and Hayden had helped me get dried up some and I went to my bedroom and got dressed in my pjs and layed down in my bed and then I watched a movie for a bit and then I had fallen asleep since tomorrow Kaitlynn and I had a photoshoot appointment at 2 pm so I went to sleep and Hayden cuddled up with me and put his arm over my waist so we were spoon cuddling End of POV Your POV I woke up the next morning at 8 pm after Jenna's baby shower because today we had a pregnancy photoshoot to do as bestfriends so both Jenna and I woke up and got our makeup on and did our hair and got our dresses put into the car and we were ready to leave by 11 am and we stopped to get some breakfast at Starbucks on our way and ate. After we got our food from the drive thru and drove on our way and ate, after 30 minutes we then got to our photoshoot place and got our outfits on and took some photos
The photos:
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And after we got done taking our photos we then went back home and that was where Hayden and Corbyn were just chilling on the couch watching TV and then Jenna and I went to them and cuddled up with them