So Kaitlynn lives in LA with her friends Jenna, Hayden, and Corbyn along with the why don't we boys. Now she has had a crush on Corbyn for a long time but then she ends up together and she ends up getting pregnant by him at 19 years old.
We pulled up to my house for the movie night and we were greeted by Jenna and Hayden J: hey guys before we start our movie night I have something for Hayden I just need to get it from my room real quick Jenna then went up to her room then came down with a shoe box then she had Hayden sit down and open it, he first got the tissue paper out and then got the ultrasound pictures and looked at it then got a onesie out that said see you later daddy H: wait is this what I think J: I'm pregnant H: omg baby Hayden then started to cry of happiness then kissed Jenna's stomach H: can't wait to have you in my arms baby Weston J: let's start our movie night We then got some goodies and went into our living room and I cuddled up with Corbyn on the couch and it was so cozy I was on more then a cloud 9 and we watched 13 going on 30. Corbyn's POV As we got settled on to the couch I cuddled up with Kaitlynn, it was so nice feeling her body laying with mine and we were watching 13 going on 30. This was the best time I've ever had with Kaitlynn in all those years of knowing her, I was so lucky to have her as my girlfriend she makes me really happy End of POV After the movie had ended it was almost 10 pm so Corbyn decided to stay the night at my place Jenna had already fallen asleep so Hayden just carried her up to her room, I got up from the couch when I felt myself getting picked up then I realized it was Corbyn C:here let me carry you to your room princess K: aww bebe C: I'd do anything for you my love He then carried me upstairs to our room and placed me down on my bed we then got into the covers and cuddled in each other's arm and then I slowly started to fall asleep in Corbyn's arms Corbyn's POV: as we were cuddling together in bed my angel slowly fell asleep in my arms and after she fell asleep I kissed her forehead and whispered "goodnight my love" then brought her closer to me. This was what I have been wanting and now I finally have it
A/n: this is how they fell asleep together The next morning I woke up in Corbyn's arms and he had already been awake. He then kisses my forehead C: goodmorning beautiful K: goodmorning Babe C: did you sleep good K: yes I did C: I'm going to go make breakfast for you baby Corbyn then gives me a kiss on my lips and went downstairs as I got up out of bed and got ready, I then checked Instagram while waiting for Corbyn to be finished making breakfast Hayden's POV: I woke up and saw Jenna sleeping next to me as I got up she then woke up H: good morning baby, good morning baby Weston I then kissed her stomach even though she was only 6 weeks I was still happy that her and I were having a baby together J: good morning bubs H: how did you sleep last night J: pretty good H: hey so I gave it some thought and I was thinking about moving in with you like next month J: wait really H: yeah because you know I'm like still living with my parents and my 16 year old sister and 14 year old brother so I think if I move in with you we'll have more space J: yeah that's fair H: I love you J: love you too H: do you think you want to post that we're pregnant on Instagram J: sure We then took a photo of us holding our ultrasound sound photo
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@its_jennalynn: @its.hayden_ and I are expecting a little baby Coming in November 2022 Comments: haydenxjennafan: OMG EEEEE CONGRATULATIONS kaitlynn.brooke: my besties all grown congrats ❤ its.hayden_: love you can't wait for our little one corbynbesson: I'm happy for you guys
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its.hayden_: we have a little one on the way due in November @its_jennalynn 12,870 Comments End of POV After 20 minutes Corbyn said that breakfast was ready and I went downstairs he had made some eggs, pancakes, and sausage for breakfast after we ate he had to go back to his place so I got into my car and drove him back there after we got to his house we kissed each other C: I'll see you later baby K: ok bub We then shared another kiss and then he went back inside his house and I got back in my car and drove back home Word count : 808